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Coral was walking through the crowded hallways, it was another wonderful day of school! She loved school, as she made friends with almost everyone. Coral, had a great life. She had a loving mother, many friends, and she got what she wanted, which really wasn't much. I mean, if you just gave her a bunch of Disney movies, and food, she'd be good to go. However, everything has something else to counteract it. For Coral, that was an ability to manipulate water. Sometimes it did help her, considering her water bottle never seemed to run out, but it's a pretty hard secret to keep. It was also hard to keep control of, she had to stay homeschooled for two grades to learn how to control it, but hey, she got a free glowing crystal necklace, so it's worth it. 

Okay, back to the present. Coral continuously gave smiles and overall, a vibe of happiness to the people around her. As she was walking, she felt somewhat of a cold aura, someone seemed grumbly today. Oh, did I mention she was an empath? It certainly helped with her goal of spreading love and joy throughout the world. Anyways, Coral was used to the feeling of someone in a bad mood, but not the cold aura. Did someone bring an AC to school, or something? Whatever, she shrugged it off.

Then she bumped into someone, and she felt....cold. Like, ice cold. She shivered to herself for a bit, before looking up at the person. Light blue hair, paler than pale skin, ocean blue eyes....of course! The unemotional Holly! She'd yet to befriend her. Coral smiled happily as the other stared daggers at her. Just as she was about to introduce herself, Holly walked into the classroom next to them.

Coral just stared at the now empty space in front of her, as the cold aura she had felt melted away. She frowned a bit, but turned to the room.

She realized this was her class as well, beaming happily. She was going to make the cold girl her friend, no matter what. It would be like...a mission, perhaps! Coral dashed into the classroom, taking her seat next to the girl. However, the other scowled at her, turning away. She shrugged, starting to brainstorm.


Rose was looking at her experimental flowers. She felt really bad for them; she could practically hear their cries. Actually, she could. With the amount of sorrowful plants in the science lab, she could barely hear the teacher. It got annoying, having abilities. However, like she always thought, it could be worse. She fiddled with her necklace, which had a glowy green crystal to which she added a flower on top of, to make it look like a cactus. She was proud of herself for thinking up of that one. 

Sometimes, her friends called her weird for some of the things she did. If she heard a tree calling for water, she'd stop her conversation, and get water, for the tree. Of course, the others didn't know why she did it, but with her love for plants (and life, in general..), she couldn't turn away the whining. At home, Rose's parents co-owned a flower shop, and shared her love for plants. Everywhere in their house, were plants, and considering they were the only ones who knew about her ability, they all had full-on conversations, between plant and human, with Rose translating to her mother and father.

Some conversations were...rather weird, to her. Once, she decided to talk to a Venus fly trap. It said it was hosting a show as a part-time job. She wondered aloud about how plants could have jobs, but the plant insisted. It said that some other objects around her house were in it too, like her computer, that clapboard someone gave her for some reason, and the 2-month old softcone and milkshake she had lying around in the fridge (She was sure she'd thrown them away at some point in time, but they seemed to never go away. Strange.) The carnivorous plant ended the conversation by telling her everything could talk, she could only just understand English, and plants.

"Rose Vinewood, if you continue ignoring me, I will send you to the principal, you hear me?!"

Rose snapped back to reality, straining her ears to hears over the deafening sound of whining. Oh god, she was going to be in BIG trouble today....


Hey there kids!

I'm not dead. (yet) A lot just happened, and then I lost motivation, and then I was just lazy.

Sorry 'bout that-! I tried to write as much as I could, and I'll just say that I'm going to try to get the next chapter out sooner, so, yeah! See ya later!


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