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Phoebe shot up from her bed, panting. "Not that stupid dream again." She looked at the time.

7:50 AM

She seemed surprisingly calm about this, as she rolled out, and went downstairs to eat something. By the time she'd gotten fully ready, it was 8:00. She walked out the door, not caring that she'd be late.

Because she wasn't.

Suddenly, everything stopped. Clocks, people, animals, EVERYTHING. Phoebe looked around her, and smiled. She started to walk to school, occasionally petting animals, stopping to look at the view, and sometimes resting for a bit. After all, she could spend all day here, and nothing would happen.

Phoebe finally got to school, looking at all the frozen students. She walked past them, trying to find an isolated place to start time again with nobody looking. She found a spot, but the people closest to it made her groan. "THEM?! I do this specifically to avoid them!" She stared at them silently. "Okay, maybe I want to pet the dogs too, but that's not the point. There has to be another quiet spot, SOMEWHERE, right?!"

There wasn't.

Somehow, almost every inch of space was covered by students or staff, and the places that weren't had at least one person looking in that direction, or, she couldn't go to. She huffed, and went to the spot near the people-well, mostly person-that she so despised. Then, she resumed time.

"Well, if it isn't the one and only, Phoebe Black, hmm?"

Of course, Holly River. The girl who's tormented her life since middle school. She didn't get it, hadn't they been the best of friends before? What...happened? Okay, maybe she did decide looking edgier was a great idea, but that was because she didn't like being popular. Her father was loaded, after all. Maybe she got jealous or something.

Still, it was stupid. She knew Holly was normally against bullying. Every time her friends found a target, she'd made an excuse, or simply wasn't there. Not like they could do anything; nobody really went against her. She wondered why she hasn't told them to just stop. Not the point. It's just, whenever it came to her...Holly would never hesitate in spewing every word of hatred she could at her, and it certainly did take a toll on her. 

Whatever. As of right now, Holly was tormenting her, and Phoebe tried to tune her out. These were the moments where she wished she could use her power, to get away. Obviously, she couldn't as much as stop it for more than 10 seconds, it would look like something obviously changed. She realized that her headphones were currently around her neck, connected to her phone. She smiled to herself. "Why are you smiling? Got an idea to get rid of me? Hmmm?" She just put on her headphones, and turned up the music. Phoebe then disappeared into the crowd, Holly losing track of her.


Holly River didn't like her life. It was nothing like her friends thought it was. She wasn't rich, she wasn't happy, and she DEFINITELY did not live a perfect life, like people thought her to live. Hell, she didn't even know how she gained this popularity! All Holly was, was a girl who lived with her dad, struggling to stay alive with what they had, in a small apartment. Furthermore, her former best friend's parents were somewhat the reason as to their struggles. Oh, had she mentioned that on top of all of this, she had powers?

That's right. Holly had the ability to manipulate ice, and she hated it. Her dad didn't like it as well, but he always told her to just 'deal with it.' At least she was able to control it. If not, that would be a disaster. She also woke up with a necklace on the day she got those stupid abilities. It had a blue, almost white, glowing crystal, and she immediately took it off.

Well, she had to keep it on, apparently. Holly had doubled over in pain, and quickly put the necklace back on. She's not doing that ever again. She decided that she'll just hide it, and if someone sees it, she'll just say it was a cool necklace her dad brought her or something. Nothing special about it at all.

Anyways, Holly had one problem with her popularity at school, and if it weren't for that, she would probably enjoy it more, or something. It was...bullying. She didn't like it very much, and usually made up an excuse, not like they could go against her or anything. She'd told them before to stop, but they just stopped bullying people while she was around. 

The only exception to this rule was Phoebe Black. Phoebe, was Holly's childhood friend. They were closer than anything. However, every time she'd mention her best friend to her dad, he seemed...worried? Around the end of elementary school (Also around the time she'd gotten those stupid powers of hers), she just straight up asked. He told her that Phoebe's parents were somewhat the reason behind as to what happened to her mom. Holly obviously didn't like hearing this, she'd been trying to figure out what happened to her, as she'd forgotten that part of her life.

So, she did obviously the best choice, make Phoebe's life horrible! It did hurt a bit, she wasn't a monster, but still. She had to get back at them some way, right? 

As of now, Holly was trying to look for the dark-dressed girl. She had disappeared into the crowd earlier, and she made it her task to find her and taunt her a bit more before she reached her class. Although, that would be pretty challenging, looking at the sea of people. Whatever, she'll make it somehow, and even if she couldn't find her now, she'll find her at lunch, or at least run into her in the hallways.

As she was lost in her thoughts, she ran into a pale girl, who looked like Disney princess. Literally. She was dressed in a baby blue gown, with matching slippers and earrings. She also wore a necklace of some sort, but she didn't pay attention to that. The only thing that differed was the fact that the girl wore a grey beanie. She grinned widely before apologizing. However, Holly didn't have time to deal with her. She simply shoved past her and into her classroom.

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