Chapter 9

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i growled, a deep and feral sounding one. they had my mate, and i was NOT letting them get away. we stood there, 2 groups, one monsters and the other werewolves. the hunter in the middle stepped forward, still holding Lucia's unconcious body. i went to step forward, but instead my father stopped me and stepped forward. "this is our property, we will now be taking it back" the hunter stated. i walked forward and stood next to my father. all i was thinking was that i want to kill them, and what would happen to Lucia if we failed. we stood there for about 5 minutes, just staring, except the pack link was going crazy. there were thoughts being thrown here, there, everywhere. "ALL OF YOU, SHUT UP" i yelled. then everyone went silent, i was thinking, but in about 2 minutes of thinking i was brought out of it by the sound of rustling, there was rustling coming from all around the area, even behind the hunters. i didn't know what it was, but i knew by the look on my fathers face, he knew who it was. "Alpha?" i questioned, "we will be leaving" he said. i got infuriated. how could he think that we would leave my mate, even worse, in the hands of the hunters.

"FATHER, I WILL NOT LEAVE HER" i said, "alright" he growled out after looking at my wolfy expression. "everyone, leave now" my father used his Alpha power. they were all gone in about 1 minute flat. "get down" he ordered me, i did as said, i really didn't want to disobey him twice. i got on the ground and continued to watch the hunters. 

the leaves started to rustle harder, but then suddenly stopped. then i saw my mate, Lucia's eyes starting to open, but, the colour of them were wrong. they were neither red nor black, instead the pupil was completely gone, and her whole eye was a mixture of all the colours, red, blue, green, all the ones on earth, and it looked like there was sopme that i didn't even know. she looked up at the sky that was now covered in dark grey clouds. the clouds started to disappear, and in there place was an empty black sky, the only exception was the moon, except that the light from the moon looked like it couldn't reach the earth. i looked around and it was all pitch black, i couldn't even see my own paws in front of me. i looked back up to where i had last seen Lucia, it was almost the same as everywhere else, except  that you could still see her coloured eyes. they glowed through the dark. i closed my eyes and then opened them again. all alpha's/son's could change their eye sight, i had changed it so that i could now see in the dark. i loked at Lucia, and my mouth fell open. all around her were the dead bodies of hunters, there was also bodies of animals that must of been in the forest. i looked up and saw that the tree's behind her were now dead as well. then my eyes fell back on Lucia. she was now standing where the hunter that was holding her was. and she was holding said hunter by the throat, he was a good couple of feet of the ground.

she was staring at him, and then i heard a loud SNAP sound. she had just brocken the hunters neck, and it looked like all of the other bones in his body. she dropped him and then stared at me, she started walking towards me, i dont know why but i wasnt scared at all. i knew that she had just killed a fair amount of hunters and some animals in a matter of seconds, but even though that happened, i wasnt scared. she was about 12 feet from reaching me when she suddenly stopped. there was something flying towards her, i looked at it closely and realized that it was the crow that she had brought home earlier, and the one that had led us here. he was flying well above her, and in his claws was a small necklace that had a pendant on it. it was right above her now, she had resumed walking, staring at me. the crow then slowly descended, now it was almost on top of her head. he then dropped the necklace. a sudden flash of light had me closing my eyes and going back to my werewolf eyes. i started to open them slowly, the dark grey clouds that were there before were now back, i looked down and saw that Lucia was now lying on the ground, unconcious. i got up quickly and changed to my human form, i ran over to her, bending down once i got to her, i checked her pulse, it was fine, which made me sigh in relief. then my father came over, he picked up the pendant that was now laying in her chest. the crow had seemed to get it over her head, and now she was wearing it. i looked at it, it was now the colour that her eyes had been, but it was swirling and started to change to black, around it was the image of a wolf chasing a crow. i heard a kind of grunt noise and then her eyes started opening, i looked at her eyes very closely, 'few, there back to being their original colour, black' i thought. "wh- where am i" she asked, looking extremely scared. "your safe" is all i said before picking her up and walking back to the pack house


would of liked to add more, but brothers are haseling me now


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