The photo album

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22nd February 2034


The sound of her daughters voice brought Dianne from out of her daydream. The glass in her hand drastically overflowing under the tap as she zoned out onto the view from the window in front of her.

The rolling hills of the Surrey countryside seeming to give her a moment of peace that she hadn't quite anticipated. Watching as the robins fluttered about by the trees in the front garden, as the morning frost of winter settled on the ground.

"YEAH?" She questioned as she turned the tap off and dried her hand from the spill of water.

"ALEX WON'T GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Dianne instantly rolled her eyes at the phrase she had heard her daughter say at least a thousand times before within the past year or so.

Breathing out heavily, the mother of two made her way up the stairs and across the landing into her daughters bedroom to find her sat at her desk trying to get on with some homework, whilst her little brother sat by her feat rolling a toy car up and down her leg.

"Alex, can you please leave your sister alone and come play down stairs." Dianne requested politely as she lent up against the door frame. 

She watched as her youngest shook his head adamant on staying, the soft waves of his short, blonde hair falling and covering his eyes slightly as he did so.

"Alexander Joseph Sugg." Dianne reiterated in a harsher tone. The use of his full name caught the little boys attention. His big blue eyes turning towards his mother with a pleading look. "Come on the Mr... Downstairs now."

Breathing out heavily, Alex admitted defeat and wondered over to his mum. Picking up the various toy cars and teddies that he had brought into the room with him before sadly traipsing out of the room and down the stairs.

"Thank you." Her daughter said politely as she went back to her work.

"You need to try more with him Lily." Dianne said in a soft tone as she wondered into the room and sat on the side of the double bed pressed up against the wall. Turning her head to face her mother, Lily drew a look of confusion across her features.

"Why?" She questioned.

"Because he's you're brother silly." Dianne replied as she began to fiddle with a loose thread on her daughters duvet cover.

"I know, but he's just so fucking annoying all the time!" She said with an exasperated tone to her voice.

"Oi, watch your language please!" Lily looked to the floor as her mother began to belittle her for her choice of words. "Look, I know he's not always the perfect brother, and I know that the age gap between you isn't ideal." Dianne began, referencing to the seven year age gap between the two siblings. 

Originally it was only meant to be a difference of a couple of years between Lily and her brother, but after having a miscarriage midway through her second pregnancy, Dianne found herself trying to get pregnant for several more years than ever intended. But that didn't matter now - as she had two children who were perfect just the way they were, and Alex was definitely worth the wait. 

"But he's you're only sibling and you need to get along. I'm not asking you to be the best of friends, I'm just asking for you not to shout at him whenever he comes near you okay."

Dianne kept her voice soft. For the past two years, Dianne had found herself thinking of a way to stop the bickering, and the little arguments they continued to have. But with a hyperactive 6 year old boy, and a moody pre-teen girl, there was no way to avoid the arguments. Just a way to control them.

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