The importance of family (part 1)

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Two chapters in two days! What's happened to me! Hope you guys enjoy this one, It's a little different, but I absolutely love it xx

22nd February 2034

"So, how have you all been whilst I've been away?" Joe questioned as he settled on one of the sofas in the living room, a mug of coffee rested in his hands as it balanced precariously on the arm of the chair, whilst Alex snuggled up to him.

"Good. I got 100% on my spelling test on Monday Daddy, and I also got to have dinner at Lucas' house on Wednesday." Alex said with a wide smile across his face. 

"That's brilliant monkey... Well done." Joe said softly, returning the smile his son gave him. "And Lily," he began - catching his daughters attention who was sat on the other sofa next to his wife. "How have you been?" He questioned.

"Yeah not bad. I passed that History test I had. Oh and I got into qualifying for the competition next month." The young girl said with a smile, referencing to the county championships of ballroom dancing which she had been aiming for for the past few months. 

"That's incredible sweety, well done. I bet you're mum's so proud." Joe said as he looked over to Dianne who was sat with a beaming smile on her face. It was true though...

Ever since Lily had found out that her mother was a world renowned professional dancer, she had wanted nothing more than to follow in her footsteps. Of course Dianne was beyond thrilled when she first brought it up, however with her ever increasing age, and the ever increasing competitiveness of these prestigious events, Dianne couldn't help but be weary of letting her daughter into the true secrets of the dark side of the dancing world.  But her daughter was happy, and that's all that mattered. 

As the four of them shared conversations, jokes and laughter Dianne couldn't help but feel at peace as she admired what her family had become. A loving husband - two incredible children - the perfect home - and to top it all off, the cutest dog in the world stretched out across the floor waiting for someone to give him a belly rub. All the things she said she had ever wanted her future to be, where right there in front of her. And she couldn't be more proud.

After having reminisced about the first few weeks of her life with Joe all day, Dianne still found herself having to pinch herself when she thought about how despite all the odds, that funny young man with the bright blue eyes and the floppy hair had managed to become the love of her life, the father to her children, and the man she was lucky enough to call her husband. And even after 16 years, Dianne still found herself drawn into those ocean eyes like a bear to the sweetest honey in the forest. She still found goosebumps rising on her skin after he touched her. She still found herself falling in love with him more and more everyday. 

Once the drinks had been finished and the laughter continued to fill the air, family life continued as per usual. Dianne made a start on dinner, whilst Joe played some sort of silly game with Alex and Lily. 

Despite being 13 and claiming to be 'all grown up', Lily was still the same as she was when she was her brothers age when it came to the ridiculous games her dad would manage to come up with. She loved them more than anything in the world... and she couldn't deny it.

Once dinner was consumed, the two kids bolted up the stairs. Alex having probably somehow convinced his sister to play some sort of game with him, leaving Dianne alone with Joe for the first time since he had left for Scotland nearly 10 days ago.

"Those two never calm down do they?" Joe questioned with a sarcastic smile as he made his way over towards his wife who was on the other side of the kitchen from his place at the sink.

Shaking her head in response, Dianne opened her arms to the man before her - her arms instantly finding their usual spot around his neck as they pressed their bodies together. Leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her lips, Joe couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster than it had done all week. The formidable feeling of having her back in his arms making him feel finally at home.

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