Chapter Fourteen

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A tall, blonde girl wondered aimlessly through the college corridors, reading every sign and door number.

"Where the hell is it..." She mumbled to herself. She pulled out her schedule, double checking she was looking for the right room. She was suddenly lurched forward, her schedule dropping to the floor with her surely following it, only to be caught by a pair of

"Shit I'm so sorry..." A boy with short brown hair said, steadying the girl. The girl chuckled.

"No no, it's fine." She reassured the boy, leaning down to grab her schedule.

"I'm Brett by the way," the boy said, holding out his hand to the girl.

"Kaeyi." She replied, clasping his hand and shaking it politely.

"So Kaeyi," Brett said, as the two strolled down the corridor. "I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?" Kaeyi nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, I've just moved down here from Bristol." She chirped. Brett nodded in appreciation.

"That's pretty far away from London," he said smiling at Kaeyi. "Then again, I can't talk, I'm from Belgium. What brings you to London?"

"I wanted to study Politics in a good college," Kaeyi started, chewing her lip. "That and I love London!" She giggled to herself. "And you?"

"Same reasons," Brett replied quickly. "That and I have friends here I've known for years. Hey, who knows, you might be in the same Politics class as me. What room do you need to go to?" Kaeyi looked down at her schedule in confusion as the pair walked out onto the courtyard.

"Room 305?" She asked. Brett's eyebrows rose.

"No shit? That's my class!" Brett said incredulously. Kaeyi grinned.

"Perfect!" She said smiling warmly. "At least I know someone from my class now..."

"BRETT YOU SLUT WHERE'VE YOU BEEN?!" A booming voice echoed from across the yard. Kaeyi turned to the source of the noise. A short, masculine boy with a mop of curly mouse brown hair was waving enthusiastically. A pretty girl with long brunette hair was walking beside him smirking at Brett.

"We've been looking everywhere for you," she said warmly. Brett held his arms open, and the girl enveloped herself in his embrace; Kaeyi felt a pang of hatred and sorrow hit her at the sight.

"Jesus, give me a break," Brett said sarcastically, grinning at the girl. "I was on my way to you, and then I bumped into Kaeyi." The girl's eyes narrowed in confusion. "OH!" Brett released the girl and motioned to Kaeyi.

"Jenna, Kyden, this is Kaeyi. Kaeyi, this is Jenna and Kyden." Brett announced proudly, pointing at the pair respectively. Kyden and Jenna waved at the girl.

"Hey!" Kyden said, giving a toothy grin.

"It's nice to meet you." Jenna said smiling sweetly. Kaeyi waved back shyly.

"Oh and guess what?" Brett said, slinging his arm around Jenna's shoulders. "Kaeyi's in our politics!" Jenna turned to the girl.

"Hey cool," she said cooly. "Speaking of which, we need to go to class." Brett groaned.

"Okayyy," he whined, and motioned to Kaeyi to follow.


"Hey, do you wanna come round our place?" Jenna asked after the lecture, leaning casually on Kaeyi's desk. Kaeyi contemplated the offer. She had a fuckload of unpacking to do and she needed to catch up on all of the work she had missed. But what if this was her only chance of making friends?

"Maybe later on in the evening?" Kaeyi answered, smiling at Jenna. "I've got a few things to sort out so, is 7 ok?" Jenna squealed and clapped her hands.

"That's fine!" She exclaimed. "OOH and you'll get to meet Mae, she's our personal taxi..." Kaeyi lost interest and stopped listening to Jenna's rambling about all of her housemates. A girl with long, dark blonde hair walked up to them, her eyebrow raised in curiosity at Kaeyi.

"OH KAEYI, THIS IS MAE!" Jenna squealed as soon as she saw her tall friend.

"Nice to meet you," Kaeyi said, smiling shyly. Mae grinned back.

"You too," Mae replied. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," Jenna said perkily. "See you at 7 Kaeyi, bye!" Kaeyi chuckled and waved the two girls goodbye.

Looks like this could be fun.

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