Chapter Eight

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After Jenna came home from the ball, she sat in horror on the edge of her bed. She held her head in her hands, and kicked off her shoes haphazardly. She sat there for a while, until she heard voices downstairs.

"Jenna?" Kathryn called. Jenna didn't bother responding, so Kathryn ran up the stairs and knocked gently on her door. Jenna mussed her hair a bit before opening the door.

"Kathryn, what's up?" She asked sweetly.

"You left the party early, you didn't respond to me calling your phone and your name when I came in, and you're asking me what's up?" Kathryn said, crossing her arms over her chest. Oli appeared behind her, snaking one hand onto her shoulder. Kathryn turned to him, and gave him a wide-eyed look. Oli nodded once, and walked back downstairs. She turned back to Jenna. "Where's Brett? And why is your hair all messy..." Her voice trailed off as she jumped to the conclusion that Brett and Jenna were... In there together. Her jaw dropped as she tried to look past Jenna into the room. Jenna shook her head furiously.

"No! No Brett is not in there with me," she said hurriedly. "In fact, I have no idea where he is. My hair's messy because I was looking under my bed for my slippers." Kathryn's eyes narrowed, and she nodded once.

"Ok..." She said, not quite buying her story. "I'll see you tomorrow then." She whipped around and walked back downstairs. Jenna rolled her eyes and let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding, and walked into the bathroom, taking her pyjamas with her. She grabbed a towel from the towel rack and set it safely next to the shower. She slipped her dress off, folding it neatly, took a quick shower, and changed into her pyjamas. She half dried her hair with the towel before pulling it into a sloppy ponytail.

She walked back into her bedroom, dress in hand, and saw Brett sleeping quietly, his short hair sticking up in odd places. Jenna giggled at the sight, but soon caught herself. She marched into her side of the room, hung up her dress, and snuggled into bed, drifting off to sleep.


Jenna woke up dazed, still half asleep. She rubbed her eyes as she pulled herself up. She grabbed her phone, checking her emails, and walked over to her desk to gather her make up. But a small, neatly torn-out piece of paper caught her eye. She picked up the paper, inspecting it closely. Jenna was written in cursive on the front. She flipped the paper over, starting to read the short letter left for her.


I'm sorry for what happened last night, I had no idea it was you. I didn't mean to upset you. Maybe we could talk over coffee at 2pm?


Jenna reread the letter over and over again, and finally replaced it back on the desk. She picked up her phone, checking the time.

"1:45?!?" She screeched. Luckily, she was the only one in the house. She threw her phone down onto her bed, and pulled out a random skirt and shirt. She dressed quickly, grabbing the discarded make up and ran into the bathroom. After perfecting her rushed make up and brushing her teeth, she ran back into the bedroom, picking up her bag and phone from the bed whilst frantically pulling a brush through her hair. The screen lit up as she pressed the centre button to check the time again: it was 2 o'clock exactly. She ran down the stairs, slipping on her pumps as she pulled her set of keys off the rack.

She sprinted down the street and into the town centre, only slowing down when the coffee shop was in sight. She stopped just before she reached the building, fixing her hair in the next store's window. She walked in elegantly, acting as if she hadn't ran all the way there, the smell of coffee beans instantly assaulting her senses. Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg was playing softly, making Jenna scoff slightly. She spotted Brett sitting at the back, checking his watch repeatedly. Two coffees sat on the table - one untouched, the other drained. Jenna walked over slowly, sitting down carefully in front of him.

"Hi," she said awkwardly.

"H-hey..." Brett replied, just as nervous. He glanced down at his watch. "You're late, I didn't think you were going to turn up."

"Slept in until 1:45, sorry," Jenna said apologetically. Brett gave a single sharp nod.

"I can tell, your shirt's inside out." He muttered. Jenna's eyes widened as she looked down, and pulled her fleece tighter around her body. Brett chuckled shortly, but soon became serious again.

"Listen about last night-" he started.

"Why the hell are you going round kissing girls you only knew for five minutes?!" Jenna interrupted him mid sentence, shouting in a hushed tone. "Well, thought you knew," she added spitefully. Brett narrowed his eyes at her.

"You're one to talk, you did the same thing," he said, venom laced in his words. "And you didn't have to leave the goddamn party, you worried Kathryn to hell and back!"

"Well if you didn't kiss me," Jenna retorted, but didn't finish her sentence. She looked exhausted already. She sat back in her chair, grabbing the lukewarm coffee and taking a small sip before placing it back on the table.

"Listen, what's done is done," she said slowly. "Let's just forget about it."

"Jenna, we KISSED!" Brett said frustratedly. He collapsed backwards into his chair, screwing his eyes closed.

"And?" Jenna questioned. "I didn't know it was you, and you didn't know it was me, it's not as if we kissed on purpose."

"Well it's not as if I just slipped and hit your lips with mine," Brett shot back.

"Let's just drop it, ok?" Jenna pleaded. Brett nodded in resignation, sighed and leaned forwards, humming softly to the music. He stared at Jenna for a beat, then rubbed his eyes.

"This is a good song," he muttered. Jenna chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah it is," she said softly.

"Jenna, listen," Brett said, moving his hands away from his face. "I was wondering, maybe you'd wanna, I don't know..."

"Spit it out Brett," Jenna said, smirking at the boy. He looked at the girl in annoyance and coughed.

"Doyouwannagoonadatewithme," he said too quickly for Jenna to hear. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"I didn't hear any of that..." She said, crossing her arms.

"I said," Brett said louder, getting more and more agitated. "Do you wanna go on a date with me?"

Jenna froze, staring at the boy who was looking at the floor. He stood up. "I'm taking that as a no, I'm sorry I shoul-"

"Yes." She said, standing up too. Brett looked at the girl, unable to hide the smile on his face.

"Ok, that's good, that's ok," he said breathlessly.

"Ok," Jenna said, giggling at the boy once again. "Where?" Brett smirked.

"Leave that to me, I want it to be a surprise," he said mysteriously, leading Jenna out of the coffee shop.

"Ok then," Jenna said, a grin covering her face.

"Do you have the album with that song on?"

"You're lucky I'm a huge fan of Landon Pigg."


Brett and Jenna walked through the front door giggling like two school girls. Esmèe raised her eyebrows at the two.

"You two seem... Friendly." She said, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Talked over our differences over coffee, everything's cool now, did you know me and Jenna both love Landon Pigg?" Brett said, smiling widely at Esmèe. Esmèe nodded and turned back to the computer screen - that was all the explanation she needed. Jenna sat down on the sofa, Brett following her lead.

"There's a new Channing Tatum movie on, wanna watch it?" Jenna asked as she flicked on the television. Brett grimaced.

"Everything with Channing Tatum in is usually a chick flick," he said in a mocking tone. "What about... Star Wars?" It was Jenna who grimaced this time.

"I am not watching Star Wars." She said sternly, still surfing through the channels, until she found a movie she knew Brett would like too.

"Easy A?" Jenna asked, glancing over at the boy. He smirked, and nodded.

"Easy A it is."

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