Chapter Ten

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Esmèe scrambled around on her bed in a frenzy, trying to untangle herself from the mess of covers so she could silence her phone's alarm. She was finally freed, and she lunged to her phone. She stretched after silencing it, and decided to go and make some breakfast. Grabbing her dressing gown and the everlasting can of Pringles she had had since Jenna and Brett had arrived, she clumsily made her way into the bathroom. After freshening up, she stumbled back into the hallway, catching herself on the banister before falling.

Esmèe straightened herself and groaned to herself. Shouldn't have left my glasses in Kathryn's room... she thought to herself. She took one precarious step onto the next step down, and smiled as she stood there safely. Feeling more confident, she proceeded down the stairs normally, only to overstep and fall down the stairs. She landed in a heap, groaning to herself. She pulled herself up carefully, rubbing her sore head as she did so. She rounded the corner and walked straight into the small table used to keep keys and letters. The table landed with a crash as Esmèe fell over it, knocking herself into unconsciousness...


Esmèe woke up in what looked like an endless, dazzling white room, being unable to see any walls - or anything for that matter. She stood up expecting her head to be in pain, only to be met with nothing. She started to walk, hoping to see something, then started running in a panicked state. Finally, a long cylindrical object appeared in the distance. Esmèe grinned happily, and sprinted the last few meters.

As she neared the object, her glee turned to confusion. On top of the cylinder was a bright red button. Esmèe warily wavered her hand over it, then finally pushed it with all of her might.

The room went black. Esmèe felt thin, hard, gritty objects pressed against her arms, legs, torso, face. They almost felt like... Crisps?

The lights turned on again, and Esmèe saw herself smothered in thousands upon thousands of Pringles - some were small, some were as big as her, some were still in their can. Esmèe laughed manically and climbed to the top of the heap, jumping down and landing spread-eagled on her own slice of heaven.


Kathryn walked down the stairs yawning and cuddling a Captain America plushie to her chest. As she rounded the corner, she gasped in horror. There was Esmèe, lying on the floor smothered in Pringles, letters and keys, rolling around and giggling to herself. Kathryn pulled out her phone from her pocket, snapped a few pictures, then called up to the rest of the household to come downstairs.


Three bright flashes of light came from above, but Esmèe was too happy to acknowledge them. It wasn't until she heard loud murmuring when she started to get anxious.


Brett and Jenna stood looking over the girl whilst Kathryn talked to the emergency services over the phone.

"What do you reckon she's dreaming of?" Jenna asked, enveloping herself in Brett's arms. Brett shrugged.

"I don't know, but I bet it's really fucking weird," Brett said, still half asleep. Jenna slapped his arm.

"Language!" She cussed. Brett laughed softly.



Esmèe blinked and found herself back in the house. She groaned loudly to herself, sad to be back to reality. Until she saw a strange fantastical pony neighing outside. It was a sunny yellow with a pastel pink mane, with three pink butterflies on its rear. It had a pair of small wings donned on its back, with a small note tied to the left wing.

Hi! My name's Fluttershy! it read in perfectly swirled handwriting. Esmèe fist pumped, and ran outside, jumping onto the pony and riding it up and down the street.


Brett and Jenna looked in confusion as Esmèe started running in her sleep like a dog, making what seemed like strangled and deranged horse noises.

Jenna couldn't take it anymore. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed the jug out of the cupboard. After filling it up with ice cold water (and a few ice cubes just for good measure) she walked back into the hallway, dumping the jug of cold water over Esmèe's head.

Esmèe shot up gasping. Jenna raised her eyebrow at the drenched girl, and left to return the jug to the kitchen.

"Welcome back to reality," Brett said, patting the girl precariously on the head as he passed to open the door to let the paramedics in.

As Esmèe was sat on the bottom step of the stairs with Kathryn looking over her as the paramedics assessed her, Emma and Kristee entered the house, sweating from their 6am jog. Their eyes widened as they saw the drenched Esmèe and the paramedics.

"What the hell happened here?"


Esmèe was laid down on the sofa, an ice pack resting on her head as she eyed a brand new can of Pringles lovingly. Brett walked in a plopped down on the sofa next to her head.

"You were doing some weird-ass stuff earlier," Brett said, watching an old rerun of The Walking Dead. "What were you hallucinating about?"

"Well, I was in a room full of Pringles - big ones, small ones, all different kinds," she started, a huge grin taking up most of her face. "And then three flashes came from overhead, and I thought I woke up because I was back in here, but then I saw a pony in our back garden, and started riding it up and down the street. Then I woke up."

Brett sat staring at the girl, one eyebrow risen in worry.

"O...kay..." He said slowly.

"So, you and Jenna huh?" Esmèe said, waggling her eyebrows. Brett smiled, then slapped Esmèe lightly.

"Shut up," he said laughing. He spotted the Pringles in her hands. He reached out and grabbed the can. Esmèe's eyes shot wide open.

"NO!" She screeched, leaping up and ripping the can out of his hands. She pointed to the door.

"Out!" She shouted. "No one is allowed in the living room until I leave!" Brett shot up and ran up the stairs. Esmèe turned to the can, cradling it closely.

"It's ok, you're ok," she said tearfully as she lay the can down next to her and began watching Project Runway.

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