Pour Some Sugar On Me 1 (Seb Stan)

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Step inside

Walk this way

You and me babe


I looked out over the ocean as my dog circled my feet. The small studio atop the dilapidated building smelling of paint, graphite, charcoal, books, and dog. I haven't even been here a year and it already felt like home. I inhale the pungent air before opening the window to smell the salt. The breezy sea air calming the nerves I had built up. I will be at Comic Con next week. I almost squeal at the thought. I have saved for years for this. Hoped for it even longer.

"I am going to leave you with Tessa okay bud?" I look to my dog, Mae. Her tongue just slips out the side of her mouth while staring at me with a lopsided grin. I got her when I moved here. And was the best thing that ever happened to me, except maybe moving to the beach.

I hate leaving her, but there is no way she can tolerate the long drive cross country with me. I know Tessa will take good care of her, but Mae is my baby. My fur baby that is. Still my baby though. I eye the suitcases to my left, hidden behind piles of old books and discarded canvases. "Alright girl. Let's you to Tessa's place." I grab her leash, and she perks up, tail wagging uncontrollably now. I pick up the bag with her dog food and treats before heading out the door with Mae.

The short walk to Tessa's is bittersweet. Even if I know it is only temporary, I have a hard time letting go. She is my only twenty-four-seven companion. Hell, I even feel guilty leaving her at home when I go to work. Talk about sappy. Upon ringing the doorbell to Tessa's small home, she opens it with the brightest smile I have seen in a while. "Hey bitch!" She yells.

"Hey back bitch two!" I hug her, dropping Mae's leash after making sure she is inside safely. "I missed you. It feels like it has been ages." I say.

"That's because it has been. Idiot. I haven't seen you in a few months." She eyes me up and down. "You look good. Not much different but good."

"Thanks. After switching my meds, the extra weight, it had helped me put on, dropped. Only about seven pounds but it is still seven pounds I no longer have." I comment, remembering the horrid other side-effects of my latest depression medication.

"Well, that's great. Anyway. I know you have to be going, but when should I expect you back? I am in no hurry for you to take your little nugget back, but I also don't want to be surprised and have a man over when you come knocking."

I laugh. "I promise, I will call beforehand. I don't want to walk into that either. Not after last time." She laughs at the memory. "I should be back within a week. I figure that I am going to go all that way I should at least make it last."

Tessa nods. "Alright. Have a safe trip." She hugs me tight. Despite her rough exterior, she is sweetheart. After a slightly lingering hug, I manage to pull away and head back to my tiny car. However, I can't close the door without hearing her final parting remark. "Bitch!" She yells.

"Bitch two!" I yell back. Smiling as I hop in and pull away.


Five-fucking-hours! God help you Sebastian, you better be worth this! I think angrily. Although I do love the guy, as much as one can love someone they've never met, I am cursing the man for my aching feet. Not only have I been waiting in the picture line for five hours, I have been at the convention since it opened, seven hours ago. I also haven't had food in at least three hours. My stash of squirreled away pop-tarts as all but been depleted in the long wait.

I only see one person ahead of me now, my turn coming up fast. Even with that in mind, I let the rest of my mind wander. I think about Mae, and how she is doing. I haven't heard from Tessa so that has to be a good sign. "Next!" I hear a woman yell from in front of me. I hurry to the picture area, slightly flustered from my fast walking.

"Nice shirt." I hear a familiar but yet unfamiliar voice say. I look up and see Sebastian Fucking Stan admiring my ten-dollar Game of Thrones t-shirt. I smile, despite my raging nerves. I do my best to look him in the eyes, something I have always had trouble with.

"Thanks." He smiles back, seemingly caught off guard by my voice or perhaps it was my polite remark. "Any particular pose?" He asks. I feel my face fall.

"Fuck." I begin to laugh at myself. Hard. My shoulders shaking, hand moving to cover my mouth. After I calm myself slightly, I see Sebastian looking at me, bewildered at my outburst. I just shake my head. "Sorry. I prepared literally everything else, I even remembered to wash my bra, but I forgot to think of a pose." He just looks at me in slight horror, a little unsure of my oversharing. I eye him for a second. "Wing it?"

"Sure." He smiles at me. A real smile. One that despite my best efforts, makes my heart feel like putty. He stands there, hand on her chin, thinking. "Titanic. I haven't done that one yet today." I smile. Then my eyes go wide. Shit. Unless he had long arms as well, this will showcase my freakiness. He seems to notice my slight and momentary panic.


"No. I just have, um, long arms. So, unless you have long arms as well, our arms should be the same length." His eyes go wide at this. I smile.

He positions himself behind me and takes my hands as he extends his arms. And like I predicted; he doesn't have to scrunch his in order for me to keep my hands in his. I can feel his hard chest against my back, and even though I know that this man is just that, a man, it is hard to control my breathing. Having never been close – much less this close – to a man even half as attractive as Seb, my body wants to react like a dog in heat. Damn you female hormones!

"So, how exactly did you discover your long arms?" He asks, his breath caressing my ear. I fight a shiver; not only from a sudden wave of arousal, but because it tickled.

"I was stretching in my bathroom. I touched both walls." I smile wider, and almost simultaneously feel him smile into my hair. I hear the click of the camera and the moment is over.

His hands move to my waist and linger for a beat too long to be friendly before letting me go. My phone rings. Tessa's ringtone, my favorite Def Leppard song, the one we bonded over. My heart sinks. "No." I breathe out. I run to my purse and frantically rifle through it.

"Hey, so ... um. Your mom is here. She wants to talk to you." Tessa says.

"Why isn't she calling from her phone?" I ask, heart pounding from the scare.

"Ask her." I hear Tessa hand the phone to my mother. "You didn't tell me you were going out of town." I sigh.

"I know mom. But please, call from your own phone. I though something was wrong with Mae." I tell her. "Now, what it is you want?"

"Your father is hanging around his druggie friends again. I am staying at your place for a while." My mom tells me, her voice tired.

"Why don't you guys just get divorced? I know you have been thinking about it. Hell mom, you've been thinking about since I was fifteen. I know neither of you are happy." This time I hear her sigh.

"I know."

"Well, I am a little busy. I will call you back later. Are you taking Mae?"

"Alright. And yes, I will take her back." She answers.

"Talk later. Love you."

"Love you too." I hang up.

"Well, that didn't sound too good." Sebastian comments from behind me. I laugh.

"It's normal. Everything will be fine. It always is. Sorry to keep you held up." He just stares at me. I stare back. "Everything is fine, really." I smile at him. He nods this time.

"Well then. I will see you at the signing booth in a while." 

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