Thirty-One | @loganpaul

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@loganpaul: Straight Chaos in Vegas

Tagged | @aspentaylor

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@aspentaylor: Somehow it was the best night of my life even though I can barely remember any of it😂😂😂
@loganpaul: Same here😂

@tanaspen: Legit my favorite couple ever!

@hatingaspen: She's disgusting🤮

@jakepaul: Next stop London!

@loganxpaul: I love you both together😭❤️

2 AM
sarahbaskaa posted to Instagram Story

~~~2 AM~~~sarahbaskaa posted to Instagram Story

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I made new friends at the club.

Sarah Baska, another person Tana's manager, Jordan, manages and her friend Caitlyn Rae.

Met them when I jumped in the pool at the Chaos Club fully clothed.

It influenced them to do the same thing only for us all to get kicked out of the pool.

Now I'm looking for Logan while dripping a path of pool water behind me.

I also lost one of my heels so I'm limping with one heel on.

I'm kind of ready to go back to the house and eat pizza.


I turn to see Logan come off the dance floor.

"Did you jump in the pool?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I was hot."

"You're still hot."

I smiled at his flirting, I love this kid.

"I'm ready to go back. You can stay, I just wanted to let you know so you don't worry when you can't find me." I held onto his arm as I took off my heel, my ankle was beginning to hurt

"No, I'll go with you. I'm starving."

"Please say you want pizza."

"Just marry me already."

"Let Tana and Jake have their moment for a little longer first." I made him laugh before we left the club.

Logan held my phone and shoe while I pulled my wet hair up in a messy bun.

Outside was paparazzi but I didn't give two shits about them snapping pictures of me like this.

Logan, being the gentleman he is, took off his jacket and covered me up before blocking the paparazzi from getting pictures of me.

We got in our Uber, I sat on Logan's lap so I wouldn't get the guy's seat wet, and we were off back to the manision.

I ended up falling asleep against Logan's chest.

4 AM
loganpaul posted to Instagram Story

~~~4 AM~~~loganpaul posted to Instagram Story

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Everyone is still out partying, Logan and I are the only ones here.

I got in the shower when we got back to the mansion.

Logan had to help me because I was still drunk and my ankle was causing me a lot of pain.

It's not weird, we have been technically together for almost two months.

Plus we've slept together already so he's seen me naked.

Once I was washed up I changed into one of Logan's shirts because I don't want to wear pants to bed.

We are the pizza we ordered and then Logan iced my ankle before I passed out cuddled up against him.

Sorry this chapter is kinda shitty the next couple of ones involve some drama. Be ready!

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