Twenty-Three | @youtubernews

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@youtubernews: Screenshoted from @jakepaul 's new vlog. @loganpaul says in vlog "I just wanted to let you know I don't have a wife yet." to model @almadelcaribe , flirting with her. Does this mean Logan and @aspentaylor are done?

Tagged | @jakepaul @loganpaul @almadelcaribe @aspentaylor

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@aspireaspen: Wow Logan is a dick

@aspensdream: I feel so bad for Aspen

@loganxpaul: I hope they fix this!

@tanaspen: She straight shaded Logan in her new post. I'm here for it!

@janahere: I HATE LOGAN NOW

@hatingaspen: I love every moment of this

@lopenxo: My heart is hurting for Aspen.

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