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Quick Recap: Deku encountered Shig at the mall, Deku then followed Shig and attacked him, breaking both of his legs by using his quirk. Our chapped lips boi is now carrying broccoli boi back to villain hq(the bar, u know the place)

Shigaraki's pov

My shoulder starts to throb at the weight of the whimpering "hero". That UA says their training these kids, but really, this one has no control over his own quirk. I plod along trying to ignore the green haired kids whimpers. He didn't even try to shout for help, he knew he would be disintegrated if he did. He might not be the strongest, but at least he has some wit about him; although, I don't believe he thought out chasing after me.

I feel the back of my hoodie start to dampen from his constant crying. Disgust fills me instantly, and I fling him from over my shoulder and slam him against the wall. He makes a surprised choking noise as I shove my arm under his chin, lifting him into the air. I lean in close and say,

"Listen here hero, If you don't stop sniveling like a little brat, I will gouge your fucking eyes out."

He goes deathly still.

"Do you understand?" I hiss.

He nods and remains completely silent as the last couple of tears drip down his face.

Strangely, I feel guilty about threatening the kid, its almost like watching a cat bring down a bird, you always feel sorry for the prey. I release a bit of the pressure from his throat, and take a second to really look him over.

He certainly is small, but he has muscle (that must be why he is so damn hard to carry). His demeanor is that of a frightened rabbit, and as I glance into his eyes, I get the sudden compulsion that I should protect him. I shake my head to clear the thought, and I lean down to hoist him over my shoulder again, albeit, a little more gentle than I would have done previously.

Deku's pov

I was leaning completely against the wall, held up by the villains arm. If he wanted to hurt me, all he would have to do is let go, and I would be forced onto my broken legs, I braced for the impact, but it never arrived. Despite his threat, I could tell he was being gentle with me. As he seemed to hesitate and look me over, I could feel that he pitied me. I grit my teeth as he picks me up again. I wont let him pity me, I am not some weakling. Besides he is a villain! They don't care who they hurt, they don't pity.

Suddenly an idea struck me.

If he does feel sorry for me, I could use that to my advantage to let me go.

I made sure that every time he stepped at bit uneven, or if he put pressure on my legs, I would flinch, or inhale sharply through my teeth. The villain proved my theory he was being gentle, as he would adjust his positioning, or walk softer every time I cried out.

Triumph soared through me, even in this awful situation. This man thinks like a child. I can manipulate him!

Back in the mall

The UA students had gathered back together after a day of shopping in preparation for the summer. It took a while for everybody to get together, yet Midoriya was no where to be found. Bakugou kept insisting that "the damn nerd probably ditched" but the others were more concerned. Uraraka finally brought up that she thought she saw Deku holding hands with a man inside of a coffee shop. Denki had wolf whistled and they all laughed it off, thinking Deku really had ditched them for a date.


I had expected to see Kurogiri when I entered our hideout, but no one was there. I let out a sigh, I guess I will have to explain this in the morning. I glanced around and set the kid down on couch. He lets out a hiss of pain as I try to move his legs.

"Shut up!" I try to say roughly, but my heart obviously wasn't in it, as I gently placed his legs to the side.

I go to the bar and reach behind it and snag our medical kit and head back over to the hero. Kneeling on the ground next to the couch I pop open the kit and put on the rubber gloves. I am not exactly sure what to do about broken legs, but I do know they need to stay still. I unwrap some of the gauze and turn to the kid, who is watching me with wide eyes.

"Stop staring and start helping, you don't want to be sitting down forever do you?" I growl.

He glances up to meet my eyes.

"What do I do?"

I pause uncertain.

"I need to wrap this around your legs." I say pointing to the gauze.

He nods, and gently pulls his pant leg up past his knee.

His skin is bruised and blistering.

What kind of quirk cooks and breaks you when you use it?

I begin to carefully wrap the gauze, starting from the ankle and slowly making my way up his leg. As I begin on his second one, I feel my cheeks starting to heat up.

I'm way too close to him way too close.

I finish abruptly andas I stand upwards, I rip the gloves off and discard them on the floor.

Wordlessly, I grab some quirk canceling cuffs and attach him to a chain on the wall. As I turn to leave I feel him grab the end of my shirt. I go completely rigid.

"Thank you." the kid whispers.

I turn back to him and nod, red coloring my cheeks. Hastily, I make my way back to my room, heart pounding.

That damn hero.

Sometime later in the night

Kurogiri comes back through a warp gate into the bar, he looks to the stools, half expecting Tomura to be slumped over the bar. He raises his "eyebrows" in surprise at not seeing the man, before turning to face the rest of the room, to see a hero with legs freshly bandaged, and arm cuffed to a chain on the wall. The green haired boy was fast asleep, and Kurogiri soon recognized it to be one of the students from UA that Shiaaraki seemed to have an odd fascination with. He simply leans up against the wall and groans. He was getting too old for this shit.

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