Part Time Villian

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My second day with the villains is slow and boring.

I stay in Shigarakis room, confined to the mat I slept upon. The day drags by and my limbs ache worse and worse with each passing second. Kurogiri stopped in once to give me water, but that feels like ages ago.

Maybe I could accept Shigaraki-sans request to join the league? I mean, I wouldn't really join, I would obviously be spying for UA! I try to convince myself, but honestly, I feel uneasy at how well I understand Shigaraki-sans cause.

"He is right. Heroes aren't the same anymore... " I mumble.

As soon as I said that, I realized I am considering villainy. The blue haired mans statement about heroes kept ringing around my head.
He isn't wrong. You know he isn't. With the League you could be strong.

Suddenly, the door to the room creaks open, Shigaraki-san and a small cloaked figure enter, Kurogiri keeping close behind.

I look up, incquisitively.

"Ah, glad to see you are awake." Tomura says. "See, I had an idea while I was out. "
He kneels down to the ground and looks at me.
"This creep here, " He gestures to the cloaked figure, "will heal you, and before you say anything, I know you don't want to accept my offer to join us. See, here is what's going to happen. I am going to let you go. " He says with a smirk.

"What? "

"On the one condition, you say you blacked out and woke up in an alley way with no clue what happened or how you got there."


"Because, I want you to give me information. So here is the deal, you walk free, I don't kill all your friends and family, and I will even help teach you to control your quirk, just for a little bit of hero info. That is not so bad, now is it? " 

His eyes are focused down, so I can't see directly into them, but I can feel the dark intent hidden behind them. It makes me shudder involuntarily.

There has to be some sort of catch to this,all he wants is a mole??

I decide to play along.

"What kind of information?" I ask.

"Whatever I ask for. "

I inhale, and take a second before giving a small nod.

In the background Kurogiri seems to relax a bit, as Shigaraki-san let's loose a grin.

"Good, Good, I'm glad you chose that, you wanna know why? "


"Cause' option two, " He holds up two fingers right in front of my face, "Was to start disintegrating your fingers. "

My heart beat increases rapidly, and I feel a lump in my throat as my vision starts to haze.

However, it's not because I'm frightened. Despite his threats, despite this situation, and despite the current pain I am in, looking into his eyes, I know he is lying. Although his words sounded cruel, and wrong, their was nothing backing it. His hand in front of me will be my proof. I lean my head foward, into his open palm. His eyes widen, and he starts backwards.

"What are you-"

I rest my chin on his hand and close my eyes. When I open them, I see Shigaraki-sans face, he is freaking out.

"then do it" I say softly.

"Huh!? "

"Disintegrate me, erase me, whatever you call it, just do it. "

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