•Chapter 33•

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~Harry Styles~

Tuesday: Art Gallery

Taking a sit in my usual seat with N next to me, our English teacher began the lesson on film. Our new assessment is about studying films, we have to watch a film and we'll be focusing on the story line, characters, cinematography and music. I would say this has to be the best assessment yet because we get to watch a film during class. Half an hour into the lesson, the announcement bell came on.

"Sorry for the interruption teachers and students. Can Harry Styles please come to the principals office please, thank you." Everyone looked at me and I looked at N, she nodded her head and rubbed my hand telling me it's going to be okay. I got off of my seat, walked out the classroom door and headed to the principals office. Why would she want to see me? I've done nothing wrong but be a...good student. Arriving at the office, I walked down the hall way to the principals room, knocking three times and hearing a faint 'come in' I opened the door as saw the schools principal and a guy in a business suit.

"Hi, Harry, take a seat please." I smiled at her and took a sit in the cushion chair. "Now, you've done nothing wrong," I sighed in relief, thank god, "But I've called you here today, because someone wants to meet you. Harry meet Mr Eastwood." I smiled at Mr Eastwood.

"Mr Eastwood would like to talk to you." I gave them a confused face and he started talking.

"I run an art gallery here, and I've seen your art works from your art teacher and they are amazing."

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"And I'd like to ask you if you'd like to display some of your works there. I pay people who display their works to and my fellow visitors love mine and others people's art works and I'm sure they'll absolutely love yours. So, Harry, would you like to display your art works and possibly earn money?"

"Uhm, y-yeah. Okay."

"Great, come at the gallery after school, I'll show you around. Thank you." He shook my hand and gave me his card that has the address of the gallery as well as his number.


"So why did you get called to the principals office?" N said as we sat down in the library as well as the boys.

"Yeah, why did you get called to the office?" Louis asked.

"This guy named Mr Eastwood, he runs an art gallery here, has seen my art works and wants me to display one at his gallery and I might even get paid."

"Thats great H," N kissed my cheek, "When are you going to give him one of your works?"

"I won't be giving him one now, I have to visit his gallery after school. So do you want to go back to ours or you want to come?"

"If it's fine by you with me coming than it's fine by me."

"Of course it's fine by me love." I said as I wrapped her arm around her and kissed her forehead.

As recess went by and the same usual classes happening and lunch. It was finally home time, we hoped onto my motorcycle and I rode off to the art gallery.

Soon we arrived at a white building called 'Eastwoods Gallery', we hoped off my motorcycle and N offered to hold my helmet, I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Ah, Hello Harry, come in come in." I smiled at Mr Eastwood and we entered the gallery. Sculptures, paintings and drawings were place everywhere, the works are amazing and they give me such a good vibe, meaning my mind is thinking creativeness. "I see you've got someone with you."

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