•Chapter 44•

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~Natalie Parks~

Wednesday: "I love you too..."

"Morning Nat." Louis said as he woke up, I said a good morning back. Soon Matthew woke up and we talked all together.

"How've you been holding up?" Louis asked me.

Sighing, "Not very well, I mean...I miss having him next to me all the time." I looked at H who is sleeping peacefully, a small smile held on his lips and his chest rising ever so slowly.

"I've tried to regain his memories but he seems to not remember them at all." Louis says.

"Thats why Matt is here, his got his laptop which has some footage of me and Harry. So I thought maybe if we show him...he'll remember."

"Well, I think thats a perfect idea. Do you mind helping me getting up, I'm gonna get some coffee, Matt want to come."

"Sure." My brother said, he got off the chair and helped Louis into the wheel chair since he is still a bit shaky when he walks. Once he got into the wheel chair, Matt wheeled him out of the room, leaving me and a sleepy Harry alone. I moved the chair closer to Harry's bed and grabbed his hand kissing his knuckles constantly.

"I love you.." I whispered, while looking at him. He looks much more better then before, a healed face and arms. But not a healed brain.

"Hey." He whispered when he opened his eyes, I smiled at him in response, "Guess what?" He said still whispering, he seems happy. He is smiling. His large hands moved up to my cheek and his thumb slowly stroking it.


"I love you too..."

"You mean..."

"I had a dream. A dream about us. Texting. Unexpectedly meeting. Falling in love, every kiss we shared, all the 'I love you's', Paris, anniversary..our date, living together. It all happened like a movie," thats why he was smiling a bit, looking so peaceful in his sleep, "I remember you." This is all happening to fast, maybe Louis made him have this sort of dream. It felt like months that I've been trying to regain his memory and finally...finally he remembers. I couldn't help but climb onto the bed and hug the living life out of him, "Babe," he said, I miss him calling me babe, "Love," he chuckled, I miss him calling me love, "Are you okay?"

"Okay?," I faced him, "I'm not just okay I'm just...so happy, so so happy that you remember."

"My heart would always beat so fast whenever Louis mentioned you, but my mind wouldn't have a clue." He whispered.

"I noticed that. Does this mean you remember the boys, my mum..everything?"

"I don't know yet." He placed his hands on both of my cheeks and we stared at each other. Just admiring. I couldn't help but blush and smile. "Kiss me." He whispered. My smile went bigger to the part when my cheeks hurt, still blushing, I nodding my head and leaned in. Finally, finally I can kiss him after of what seems like such a long time, my lips can finally kiss his soft, plump, pink lips. I leaned in closer and closer, so happy that I can finally-

"Natalie!" I heard someone say, I sprung out of bed and saw that I was still at my old house? "Jesus, I've been trying to wake you up for nearly 10 minutes, I was just about to put cold water on you." My brother said, placing the bowl of cold water on the nightstand. That was just a dream? But..but it seems so real..., I felt a tear slide down my cheek and land on the blanket, "are you okay sis?" He asked.

I would've finally got to kiss him and spend time with him but it was all just a stupid fucking dream. A dream that isn't true and one that might not even happen. Then, I just broke down into tears, I can't do this anymore. "Oh god, Nat." Matt climbed onto the bed and sat next to me, he put his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I can't d-do this anymore." I cried.

"Do what?"

"I can't wait for Harry to remember me, he never will. He won't love me l-like I l-love him."

"Don't say that Nat, Harry loves you, he always will and he won't stop loving you...even if he doesn't remember you."

"Thats a lie Matt and you know it."

"No, it's not. Go visit Harry, tell him everything you guys did together."

"What's the point Matt!," I yelled and start to cry harder, "he'll never remember me! He doesn't even now it's our anniversary on Saturday! What makes you think I can regain his memory!" I couldn't take it anymore and I ran out of the room, downstairs and out the door. I can hear Matt calling after me and my mum following behind him, I didn't listen to them and walked away, wanting to be away from everybody.

~Harry Styles~

I can finally leave this hospital room, along with Louis today. They say that we healed enough to go out of hospital. I'm getting down memories of Louis and the boys..Zayn, Liam and Niall..yeah, I think thats the names. My brain is familiar with it. Louis keeps talking to me about Natalie and I do remember her just not in a relationship way, though, my heart still beats fast whenever he or anybody says her name. Sometimes I'd just play around with the necklace that has the start of her name and try so hard to think about what Louis has said to me but it doesn't ring a bell at all. Nothing.

"I can't wait to get out of here." Louis said.

"Oh believe me, I also want to." He chuckled at me and sat up.

"So you remember that you don't live in your old apartment?" He asked, I nodded my head, "cool, Liam will be picking us up and we'll take you to your place."

"Liam is..."

"The mature one."

"Oh right, sorry, it's still a bit fuzzy in my head." I chuckled. We continued talking to each other until Liam arrived with the other boys Zayn and Niall, Louis is still limping but he can manage to walk well, once we signed out and said bye to Dr. Leslie, we all headed into Liam's car and headed to my place. We made some chit chat on the way while listening to music, spoon we arrived at my place which looks familiar with me but doesn't ring a bell. I hoped out of the car and saw my motorcycle, a present I got, but not my beautiful Range Rover.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, your car is getting fixed." Liam said. Walking up to the door, it was unlocked and I walked inside. My uncles music store, inhaling the smell of instruments, dust and wood, I exhaled smiling.

"Miss this smell." I whispered to myself.

"Up stairs is your place." Louis said, I smiled and followed him up the spiral staircase, once we reached the top, I saw Natalie crying on the couch.

Hey, I'm sorry I haven't been updating but it's the usual reason. This chapter was boring and short but aye it's an update :D

Thank you so freaking much for 13K, wow that went fast.

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