15. Harry

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The honeymoon is in Jamaica and while it's short because Louis needs to be monitored a lot, it's still special. It's a long trip from New Zealand to Jamaica, especially at 4am, but it's okay with Louis. He cuddles into me while the plane takes off and then an hour later wakes up and talks to me in his soft, sleepy voice that I get to hear everyday. The ride is long, but enjoyable. We talk and tease each other. We kiss and have pointless thumb wars and when we finally land I'm exhausted and sadly ready for bed.

I get our luggage and carry it to a taxi and give him the name of the resort we're going to. It's over the top and ridiculous, but Louis deserves that. He deserves to stay here for his honeymoon. We pull up and Louis' eyes dance as he takes in the large place and the fancy pools and restaurants. It's beautiful really, but I can only watch my husband.

I give the driver some money and take our bags from the trunk. There's a man outside offering to carry them to our room and I gladly except the help because I want to wrap myself around Louis and kiss him and never stop.

"It's so nice. I knew it'd be nice from the websites and everything, but wow," Louis says as he continues to take everything in. I grin and pull him into me, kissing the tip of his nose and making him giggle.

"This is ours for five days. We're going to swim and tan and eat crazy priced food," I tell him softly and he sighs and leans his head on my chest.

"We're also going to have lots of sex," he says dreamily and I laugh loudly and smile stupidly.

"Yeah that too, love, that too."

And we do. Morning sex and after the pool sex and midnight sex. It's wonderful and tiring and completely filthy, but there's also so much love and passion. We try and do everything from golf to swimming in the pools, to swimming in the oceans, but Louis tires easily and most of our days are spent in the shade drinking fruity drinks and giggling and kissing.

"Last night here. I don't want to go home," Louis pouts. He's lying on top of me, his head by my neck and he occasionally will give me small kisses that leave goosebumps on my skin.

"I know, but we have to," I tell him and Louis seems to try and push further into me, hiding away.

"I don't want to. I have to go back to the hospital and have them tell me I'm getting worse because I know I am and then I have to leave you," Louis is sobbing now and I sit up and cradle him to my chest. I'm whispering sweet nothings because I can't promise anything positive, but I want Louis to stop crying.

"I'll be okay. It may take time, but I'll be okay and you won't be sick. Don't cry, baby. Please don't cry," I beg and Louis just hiccups and clings to me.

"This wasn't my plan," Louis sniffles and I rub his back and try to keep the tears back, but it doesn't work.

"It wasn't mine either, but that's okay. Not everything can be as planned," I tell him and he just kisses my bare shoulder and gives me a weak squeeze.

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