Chapter 4 The Other Secret

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After her meeting with Sasha, Shay went to the mall and straight to a certain restaurant where she and her friends would usually hang out. When she got there, Ashley and Troian are already there waiting for her.

"What took you so long, bitch?" Ashley said "We've been here for like 30 minutes"

"Yeah. What happened to the time?" Troian also snorted at her.

"I'm sorry guys. I was in a meeting with my partner for our lit paper," Shay said.

"Excuses.." Ashley said while rolling her eyes.

"I'm telling the truth and you know who my partner is right?"

"We actually don't. You know we don't share the same class," Troian said.

"I just told you about it last night. Guys, c' mon."

"Ooohhhhhhhhhhh was this the one that you were ranting about endlessly and we just fell asleep because you were rumbling?" Ashley said laughing and Troian joined in.

"I hate you both."

"We're just kidding," Troian said in between giggles.

"But honestly, we forgot about what you told us," Ashley said.

"Okay. So this lit paper, I was partnered with Sasha," Shay said smiling.

"OMG! Your CRUSH!!" Ashley and Troian both blurted.

"Will you guys keep it down?" Shay said, a little embarrassed by her friends shouting and squealing.

"That is why you were late. You were making your moves, Mitchell?" Ashley said while raising her eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up Benson," Shay said.

The two girls looked at their friend with a glint of happiness in their eyes. They know that Shay has been crushing on the blonde for a very long time. They're happy that their friend finally has the chance of getting to know the girl of her dreams.

"You have liked her since forever, Shay. We are happy that now you will get the chance to get to know her. You never made a move all these years and we just thought you have stopped liking her, but clearly, you still do," Troian said.

"I've only had one girlfriend and you guys know that. Lindsay and I lasted for a year, and we are still friends. You know that I never stopped liking Sasha even from afar," Shay said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"We all know Sasha is dating both boys and girls. Remember when I told you that I once saw her with a girl being so sweet and all at the movies?" Ashley said.

"Yeah... yeah, I remember. I can't sleep for 3 days because of that."

"Why did you never ask her out?" Troian asked.

"Well, I honestly don't know. I guess I'm afraid that she'll say no."

"You never tried, so you never knew. Maybe she would have said yes." Ashley said.

Shay was silently thinking when she saw a familiar blonde sitting at a table outside with a shorter brunette. Why didn't she notice that when she got in? Maybe Sasha just got here. By the looks of it, the two girls were just about to order.

Shay was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when Ashley started waving a hand in front of her. 

"What happened to you. You look like you have seen a ghost," Ashley asked as she slowly followed the gaze of her friend. Until she saw the two girls sitting and chatting outside. Curious, Troian followed where her two friends are staring and she can't help but gasped.

"OMG. She is here. What a loving coincidence," Troian said.

Shay sat silently as she admired the girl beyond the glass doors. She looked at the way her hair blew with the wind and how she was smiling towards her friend. She has the most beautiful smile, a smile that melts her heart.

"You should ask her out. You now have the chance, you practically are working together. Don't be dumb," Ashley said.

"I don't know, guys. What if she'll say no?"

"You will never know unless you ask her. What if she says yes?" Troian replied.

"Yeah. Why are you being so negative? Plus, who can possibly resist your charm?" Ashley added jokingly.

"I'll think about it." This was the only response Shay can think of at that moment. As the three friends continued to talk, their food arrived. They chatted and ate through the afternoon. Mostly, they talked about how Shay will ask the cute blonde out.

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