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Not long after driving away from the Isle we make it to Auradon, we park the car and walk towards the dorms when Jane runs over to us

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Not long after driving away from the Isle we make it to Auradon, we park the car and walk towards the dorms when Jane runs over to us

"Ben! There you are, Cotillion is tonight! Look this is the stained glass window for Mal. Isn't it beautiful? She's going to love it!" Jane says

"Do you want to cancel?" Ben asks Mal

"You know what, I can come back like really soon" Jane says

"No, no, no now's fine. Do what ever you want" Ben tells Mal, Evie and I walk over to Mal

"We need to talk" Evie says

"Yeah" Mal says and we start to walk

"No" Carlos says

"No?" I ask

"You guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering your girl talk stuff or whatever and Jay and I are tired of it" Carlos says making Jay say "I'm not"

"We're your family too, we've been through a lot together. We're not stopping that now, everybody sit, come on here.... you too" Carlos says and everyone sits down and looks at him "I don't know how to start girl talk" he confesses

"What's up?" Jay asks

"Well, I'm a mess, I'm such a mess. I mean six months ago, I was you know stealing candy from babies and now everybody wants me to be this lady of the court and I have no idea how to keep up the act" Mal says

"Then don't" Carlos says

"See this was stupid" Jay says

"Maybe it wasn't, I mean we're always going to be the kids from the Isle. I tried to forget, I really tried but those are our roots" I say, Evie continues from where I finished "and we did what we had to do to survive but it made us who we are and we're never going to be like everyone else here and that's okay" Evie says

"And we can't fake it" Carlos adds

"No, it's what we are made of" I say

"Especially not without my spell book" Mal says

"Mal maybe losing it was for the best" I say

"Yeah and if Ben doesn't like the real you, then he's isn't the one" Carlos says

"I like that" Evie says

"Give him a chance" I tell Mal

"I'm going to make some changes to your dress and if you're up for it, only if you're up for it. It will be waiting for you okay?" Evie says walking away with Mal

"Thank you guys" I says, Carlos is about to say something but my phone rings "sorry I have to take this, hey Jane!" I say walking away

After changing and then continuing to walk around talking to Jane on the phone for nearly an hour, Carlos runs over to me.

"Maddie! Maddie? Would you go to the Cotillion with me?" Carlos asks

"Yeah yeah sure, we're all talking a stretch carriage over at six. Yeah Jane, I'll tell them to put the pen toppers in the port-side cabin" I say

"No, I mean with me" Carlos then says

"Yeah, want me to swing by your room? Yeah I promise I'll remember Jane!" I say

"This is going to be tricky" Carlos says and then takes my hand and lowers it "Maddie would you be my date for the Cotillion? And maybe if you don't absolutely hate me by the end of it... would you consider maybe being more then friends? Maybe?" He asks

"Like boyfriend and girlfriend, where we can hold hands and kiss all the time and we can text and I can tell you how great you'll are because Carlos you're really really great and I'm the luckiest girl in the world, you're so nice and cute!" I say

"Me too! I'm the luckiest girl I mean guy in the world" Carlos says, I give him a big hug

"Hello Maddie? Can you hear me?" Jane says over the phone

"Oh sorry, I'll see you later?" I ask

"Yeah totally" Carlos says, before I manage to get back to Jane Carlos runs over to me and gives me a kiss and then he walks away

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