Stop lying to me

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     "Koty!" I heard a tiny fragile voice say. It sounded like Jordan's younger sister. But that's impossible. I looked up anyways. There she was, Carter Smith. She's grown since I last saw her almost four years ago.  "Car. Oh my God, why are you here?" I scrambled to my feet. "I came here to tell you something." She looked nervous. She went outside and brought back a pale boy with jet black hair.

     He looks like- but that's impossible. I saw him dead on the floor surrounded in blood. I saw him in his coffin being lowered into the ground. "Dakota, its me, Jordan." He said quietly. I started to break down. "NO! I SAW HIM DEAD ON THE FLOOR SURROUNDED IN BLOOD. I WAS AT THE FUNERAL!!! STOP LYING TO ME!!!!!" I screamed running upstairs to my huge walk in closet, while grabbing my laptop.

      I sunk to the floor in tears. Soon I heard a knock. "Go away!" I sniffled. "Its your brothers, can we come in?" Nash asked. I sighed and opened the door. "Yes, but if you say anything about that, you'll die." I growl. They nodded. "Okay whatever, I've got to ask. Why did you freak out? It's really him." Hayes said. I took a deep breath. "Because I don't want to believe he's alive. I've spent almost four years crying over him. When I finally got over it, I found the one I really want to be with. It's hard to explain." I got frustrated. "Look it's him. Remember his twin brother that went with his Dad? Well he was back that night while Jordan, instead of going home, he went to skate, and so it was Alec who commited. They kept it from you because they knew what would happen if they told you too soon." Hayes explained. I took it all in. "I want them both out. I need time to think." I opened the door, and shoved them out.


     Dakota was extremely upset. She went to her get away place, her closet.Weird place but then again Em is unique. She wanted Car and Jordan out. So we made sure to do that. "Guys, you have to leave. She can't take it all. She's engaged and was perfectly happy this past year because of Dillon over there. I'm sorry but you have to leave." I said as I opened the door for them. "I'm not leaving until I get MY Dakota back." Jordan screamed. Dillon stepped up. "Dude, she doesn't want you here. Just leave, then again she isn't yours anyways. She thought you were dead and for three years she never dated and when she did she fell in love and is getting married TO ME next year and you cant stop it. Now get out." Dillon shouted. I had to admit Dillon is right, she thought Jordan was dead so it was only right for Kota to date again.

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