7. Significant Relatives (JM, CG, R, L)

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A/N: I was seriously considering not doing this one because of the fact that some people might be a different ethnicity/race than the relatives I listed. But I also already mentioned it in a couple of them, so I'm including it. If you are a different race, than any of these can be non-biological. I'm half black and half white, so they all sort of work for me, I guess, but I'm not everyone. Also, I left out Monty, Finn, and Bellamy because they are Skaikru and there are no siblings besides Bellamy and Octavia. 

Murphy: Ilian's sister

Lexa: Nyko's daughter (Working in Polis as a healer)

Roan: Marcus Kane's daughter

Clarke: Madi's (non-biological) mother 

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