Chapter 1 King Of The World

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The year was 2290 and Trinity City was bustling with life. Don Lexington III, the wealthiest resident of the city, had made a fortune by discovering the secret of the Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish's ability to age in reverse. Don had replicated this process on dozens of human beings, and after a year of hard work, he had manufactured a formula called Blue Youth in the form of liquid blue tablets.

On April 28, 2291, Don demonstrated the effectiveness of his formula on national TV by giving one of the tablets to an elderly man. The crowd watched in amazement as the man aged in reverse, turning from an old, gray-haired man with liver spots to a young, full-of-life man in his early twenties.

After the live event, Don's company made a fortune, and he became the world's first trillionaire. But Don was not content with just one formula. He wanted more, and he came up with a new idea that might top the Blue Youth formula.

On his 50th birthday, Don walked into his private study and entered an incubation chamber that held the chemical compounds that made up the Blue Youth formula. After twenty minutes, he stepped out of the chamber, twenty-five years younger. Don's assistant handed him a towel, and after changing into a business suit and tie, he made his way to the main office area with Amy Waller, his assistant.

Don waved away the people who tried to come up to him and walked straight into his office, where Amy waited for him. "Is there anything you want me to do for you, Mr. Lexington?" Amy asked.

"Actually, there is something you can do for me, Amy. I need a leading expert in nanotechnology to help me with a new project that I'm working on. Do you have any suggestions?" Don asked.

Amy had a thoughtful expression on her face. "Well, there's Joe Valentino. He's a brilliant scientist who specializes in nanotechnology."

Don nodded his head in approval. "Set up a meeting with him. I want to discuss this project with him as soon as possible."

"Consider it done, Mr. Lexington," Amy said, smiling.

Don leaned back in his chair and grinned. He had a feeling that this new project was going to be even bigger than the Blue Youth formula. He was excited to see what the future held for him and his company.

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