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As you might of guessed yup Lee wasn't there. Which put me into a straight panic I began running around the house screaming and looking for him every place he might of been but yet he was nowhere to be found.I decided to think while tears streamed down my face. Where could he be I began to say to myself I realized he took some of his toys with him and I was running out of time which I needed to act fast. It was 4:30 and Lee was still missing after I looked all over the house. I decided to go to the playground trying to calm myself down on the way there but when I got there the playground there was barely anyone there only a few people it seemed one girl came up to me while I was looking for Lee.

"Hi my name is Piper heh umm did you need something miss?" she said with a smile.

"HEY.....*Ahem*....Excuse me have you seen a boy come around here!" I said.

"He's my brother and he ran away and I have no clu where he could be....and he's never done this before......and I could really use your help" I said. 

"Uhhhhh a boy!? ummm....no sorry.....of course I'll help you uhhh....what's your name?"she said. 

"My name....my name is Wanda and thank you uhhh...Piper heh" I said.

It was 6:30 and what would you know it Lee was found and you wouldn't believe where he was yup in the his little hideaway when he doesn't get his way but I was just glad I found him and made a new friend. When we where looking for Lee piper and I where basically chatting while we were searching for him. Piper basically moved here a few months ago but she usually was shut away in her house most of the time she said her parents were over-protective and she was basically the only child that actually made it. She said her mother loved children and when she was growing she couldn't wait for the day when she would give birth but her mother usually would get miscarriagies alot and that she was happy when one of them survived which was piper. Even though piper was the only child her mother had she was locked away most of the time and she barely had any friends. I told her we could that we could be and while we were chatting it up on my phone I got this weird text that made me curious........

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