Bakugou's Misery...

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      Bakugou sat in class, his mouth covered by his palm while his mind travelled to his moments with Y/n... In the neko cafe... in school... holding her close when she was ill... defending her from those women... But something in his heart felt missing... His feelings he held in just couldn't be accepted. Maybe he should just give up... But he can't. 

   'Y/n chose that brainwashing b*st*rd over me... I can't force her to change...' His eyes closing slightly to sigh, he was interrupted by a sweet familiar plum smell and a soft repeated knock. The chatter between the others died down and he opened his eyes to see your truly. She had a miserable look in her eyes which only  worried him. 

"Ano.... Can.. Can I meet KitKa- I- I mean Katsu-Eh?! GOMENE!!! I- I meant Bakugou!!" She spluttered, unsure what to call him now that they are just regular friends

     This sudden change hit Bakugou's heart with a pang of pain. But still, he acted natural to her rescue, knowing the girl needed him at times like so. Walking up to her, he wasn't surprised for the girl to run into his chest, clinging for mortal support. Bakugou was unsure at first, but he reluctantly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer than ever. He could smell the lovely shampoo... Y/n's body trembled in his hold and he felt frustrated he couldn't be the one by her side. Very slowly, Bakugou released her so she can take a deep breath before holding her shoulders.

"Everything will turn out fine, Y/n... Aizawa-sensei and All Might-san are sure to find out something. You'll be the first to know, I'm positive!" He gave her an encouraging smile, making the girl herself nod and wipe off the fallen tears

"Arigatou, Katsuki...." she thanked back softly while leaning her head on his shoulder

   The duo stayed in such position for a moment before Y/n felt okay enough to leave. Bakugou watched her leave before turning back to his seat, only to face sympathetic looks from the others. Kirishima was the first to walk up to him and spread out his arms.

"I'm here for you, buddy!" He grinned weakly

    The given looks only raised the pain of his heart and he gripped his fist around Kirishima's shirt before leaning and sobbed..hard. His shoulders trembled as the waterworks didn't stop and the others could only watch. It was definitely heartbreaking if the girl liked someone else yet still went over to you for support. When he finally calmed down, his head felt light and it wasn't long before he dozed off to sleep on Kirishima's shoulder....

----------------[ 0 = 0 ]-----------------------

   Y/n was walking down the hall when her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She pulled  it out and glanced at the callers ID before stopping in her tracks. 'Shinsou?.... wha-' without much thought, she accepted he call.

   "Hitoshi??? Are yo okay? What happened? Have you managed to escape? Where are you?" She bombed the other side of the line in a hurry, her heart hammering against her heart in concern. But the other side had no answer at first and this worried her even more. "H-Hitoshi?"

  "You must be Y/n~" A voice purred, catching Y/n off guard. "So, you still following our Bakugou~"

  "Who the hell are you?" Y/n growled, anger welling up. "Where the hell is Hitoshi! What did you do to him?"

   "Oh nothing much," smirked the neko-lady while glancing at the pruple head under he foot. "He tried to escape so I had to pin that runt down for awhile... Now, tell me, you interested in saving dear old buddy?"

   "Do you even have to ask?" Y/n muttered while turning into an empty toilet stall. "What can I do?"

   The lady grinned at this and glanced at a contraption hidden underneath a cloth. It was taller than an average human height and the usage was enough to render this world to her mercy. 'As long as I get the girl...' She cleared her throat with a cough before saying, "Come to the cosplay bar in the red-zone area alone at 5 PM if you want to see your precious boy safe and sound~!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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