• Chapter 19 •

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"Theo, we've been sitting in this car for over half-an-hour and you haven't said anything," Paige said, letting out a small, pitiful sigh.

"I know." I hissed, biting my lip nervously. My stomach felt mushy and I just wanted to throw up. "I just- this is really hard for me."

"It's okay." She breathed, running a hand through her hair. "Take your time."

I let out a big, shaky breath as forced my gaze upon her golden ones. Saying this to someone else is going to hurt more than telling it to myself. "I-uh, I think- I um...IthinkIlikeGrey." I blurted out quickly looking down. I was embarrassed. I was disgusted. I hated myself. I hated myself for liking him.

"What?" She asked, a look of confusion covering her freckled face. My fingers dug into my thighs as I faced her again.

"I think I like Grey," I said, slowly this time.

"Oh." She said, almost blankly. Then as if a sudden revelation had gone through her mind, her expression turned to a look of realization before she moved her hand to her mouth. "Oh my god. Theo-" But she cut her sentence short as she saw the tears pooling in my eyes. "Oh, Theo." She whispered, pulling me into a hug. Ugly sobs flew past my lips as I felt my stomach lurch in self-disgust.

I slowly pulled away from her wiping my nose on my sleeve before turning my watery green eyes to my legs, embarrassed. "I don't know what to do. I don't even know if he likes me back or he just did do it as a heat-of-the-moment type of thing. I'm so pathetic. I should have known better than to fall for him. Now all that's going to happen is that I'll lose him and-"

"Theo, calm down." She said, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Look at me." She placed her hand on my chin as she forced my head up. "You're not pathetic, do you understand? Instead of repressing your emotions, you're here, telling me what you feel. You're so much braver than I'll ever be. Theo, you need to understand that this changes nothing. Wait it out, I'm telling you he'll come to you, and if he doesn't, whenever you're ready you can go to him. I know you two can't live without each other. As friends or more. He needs you as much as you need him and remember, if he hurts you, I'll hurt him."

I let out a watery laugh wiping my the tears that refused to stop dripping down my face. "Thank you, Paige. What would I do without you?"

"I honestly have no clue." She said, snickering. I punched her lightly on the shoulder causing her to snicker even more. "Let's get out of here! How about we get some ice-cream. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect," I said, sniffling. I rubbed my nose one again before Paige started the car and we were off to get ice-cream.

Soon after, Paige had pulled over and we were making our way to the ice cream parlour with bright neon lights food outside. The bells against the door jingled as Paige pushed it open. We walked int a cold breeze hitting my face as the smell of vanilla, chocolate and bunch of other flavours mingled together in the air.

"I forgot how much I love ice-cream!" Paige squealed, skipping over to the counter.

There was a girl standing lazily behind the counter and I immediately recognized who it was. "Autumn?" I asked, incredulously, as my eyes scanned her striped uniform.

"What are you doing here?" Autumn squeaked, her gaze flicking from me to Paige, awkwardly.

"When did you start working here?" Paige asked, a faint smirk playing on her lips.

"Just yesterday," Autumn said, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck as a tint of pink spread across her face. "I swear I was going to tell you when we got to school."

"It's okay," Paige said, a sly grin playing on her lips. She whispered something into Autumn's making her flush a painful shade of crimson. Autumn stuttered out an incoherent sentence looking completely flustered.

I snickered, amused, as my gaze flicked from Paige to Autumn. "What do you want, Theo?" Paige asked, casually as if nothing had happened.

"A plain chocolate ice cream would be nice," I said, scanning all the different flavours,

"I'll get chocolate as well," she said, smiling innocently at Autumn who was still blubbering like an idiot.

Autumn slowly fell out of her reverie as she fumbled around the counter scooping two chocolate ice creams and handing them to us.

"Thanks, babe," Paige whispered, strutting away with me snickering after her.

"What did you tell her?" I asked once we found seats at the far corner of the shop my eyes flickering to Autumn.

"Oh, just about how cute she looks with her costume," she said, innocently. I knew that was not what she told her to get Autumn that flustered. But I decided not to question further realizing that I didn't really want to know what she said.

"You are evil," I said, shaking my head.

"What I didn't say anything!"

"Sure you didn't."

"Okay, maybe I did say something not so PG-13."

"Hah! I knew it." I said, victoriously then I felt my stomach twist. "Wait, ew! I shouldn't have said anything." I shuddered making Paige cackle evilly in response.

"You're right. I really am evil." She said, before licking her ice-cream.

"You two are gross."

"You know you love us," She teased,
poking my nose with her index finger.

"Did you just...boop my nose?" I asked, my mouth falling ajar. "How dare you!" Mock offence coated my words as I placed my hand dramatically on my chest.

"Boop." She said, poking my nose again.

"You," I snarled, narrowing my eyes at her before trying to poke her nose. But she dodged.

This meant war.

I kept on jabbing at her face until finally, I poked her forehead. "You missed!" She squeaked, as she dodged my finger once again. She even managed to lick her ice-cream in-between.

"Okay, okay," I said, raising my hands in much surrender. "You win."

"I always win." She cackled, evilly.

"Shut up."

Short chapter but I'm updating one more today so. Mwahaha.

The next chapter won't be as funny as this one, though.

Loads of love.

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