Lost Boys

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Another book complete.

I want to thank all of you for sharing this rollercoaster of emotions with me and my babies Grey and Theo.

I'll miss them so much and I'll miss writing this story.

Thank you for all the support, all of you make me smile.

Also, I can't believe we made it over 1k views! You guys are literally the best.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

If you want to check out other work by me make sure to check out my books Hope and Atelophobia.


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Hope. (BxB)
Such a misinterpreted word isn't it?
The meaning of the word changes for each individual.
For some, it's just a few letters stringed together.
But for others, it's a matter of life and death.

For these two boys 'hope' definitely means the latter.
It's something both of them want, yet, are so far from getting.
Each time they take one step forward, it's almost as if they're dragged two steps back.
So close, yet, so far.

Tyler is blind and Luca is hurting.

A coming-of-age story, where life does whatever the hell it wants.

Status: completed

Atelophobia(GxG)atelophobia /əˌtɛləˈfəʊbɪə/noun1

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1. The fear of imperfection or not being good enough.

Poised and polished perfection was one of the only things Sanjana strived for, things her parents wanted from her.
But not everyone gets what they want.
Immaculate presentation, pristine walls and a terribly imperfect soul; that's what Sanjana had.

Mysha was nothing like Sanjana.
All she enjoyed was destruction; imperfection at its finest.
Reckless, careless enjoyment.

Status: Ongoing


Check it out if you like my work.

Thank you again.

Loads of love,

Lost Boys Where stories live. Discover now