Chapter 10

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Tony’s POV

I tuck Emi’s blanket around her and sit next to her on her bed.

“You sleepy bella?” I kiss her forehead.

“Yes.” She closes her eyes and seconds later, she’s out. I kiss her again and hop in my bed down the hall.

Tonight was a good night.

Waking up hurts less today, and I decide to go by the club before Emily wakes up to talk to Smiley.

It’s still dark outside and I check my watch to see that it’s early enough for Smiley and the rest of Pandilla to still be in the back of La Cantina.

I make my way inside and throw up the gang sign and say the codeword to the guys in front of the room where Pandilla meets. After patting me down, they let me inside and soon I’m face to face with Smiley and a few other guys fromPandilla.

"Aye guys. Look who’s here." Smiley nods in my direction with a smirk on his face.

"Aye Tony! Looks like those bruises wore off, eh?" I can’t tell who’s speaking so I nod in their general direction.

"Loosen up, hermanito. You’re one of us now.” Smiley claps me on the shoulder and motions for me to sit down.

"Now that you’re here, we can give you what ya gonna be in charge of, mi hermanito. What’ll it be? Drug routes or hit man?”

"Drug routes." I’ve learned to keep my answers simple and to the point.

"Sounds good to me. What do you think boys? Can Tony handle it?"

"Sí. He seems.. eh como se dice, tough.”

"That settles it then." Smiley hands me a bag full of weed, acid, crack and shrooms. He also hands me a list.

"You have to hit all those places by the end of the week. People will be looking for you on certain days. You’ll find out what those days are through Rod." Smiley motions to a skinny guy I hadn’t noticed sitting in the corner.

"Hey esé.”

"Hey." I turn my attention back to Smiley.

"At the end of the week, if you do a good job, you’ll get your share of the money. Sound good?"

"Yep." I take the bag and the list and throw up the gang sign before leaving the club.

When I get home, I stash the bag in my closet underneath some old clothes. No one ever goes in there so it should be fine.

I decide to make Emily breakfast since my mom is gone for the day.

I’m halfway done with the pancake mix when she sleepily walks into the kitchen.

"Hola TT." She rubs her eyes and climbs up on a chair next to the table. She yawns a little and rubs her eyes. “What are you making?”

"Pancakes Emi. You want some?"

"Mhmm. Where’s mama?"

"She went to work Emi, remember? She’s gone all day today so you’re gonna go to Mrs. Rodriguez across the street and hang out with Kaylyn."

"Oh yeah." She perks up at this and sits up. "I like Kaylyn. She always let’s me play with her dolls."

I finish with the pancake mix and start pouring them on the griddle.

"What are you gonna do today, TT?" Emily comes up behind me and watches me flip the pancakes.

"Hmm. I actually think I’m gonna go hang out with Evie. Is that cool with you?"

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