Out Hunting

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Okay Everyone this will be split into to chaps the hunting trip and the shopping trip, Warning they may be short chapters!

(Renesmee’s P.O.V)
So far, my birthday has been amazing and I am now heading out to go hunting with Mommy and Daddy. This is because everyone else is going birthday shopping for Momma. I went ages ago so I’m fine. We went about 3 miles into the wood, then we all stopped. “Okay, first, let’s have a mini comp of who can catch the biggest animal and we will meet back here in 10 minutes!” Dadda explained. He called ‘GO!’ and we all set off running in different directions.
I caught the scent of a cheetah. I knew I was lucky as they aren’t normally out this time of the year. I ran as fast as I could and I just managed to pounce on the cheetah. I was so glad I got it because it is my fave thing to drink. By the time I had drained the cheetah, the 10 minutes was up. I legged it back to where my parents were and my mom looked very smug so she must have caught a big animal.
“Okay, well, I got a buck,” my dad said, knowing he had lost. “I got a smallish brown bear!” Mom beamed. “Well, I got a male cheetah!” I yelled. They laughed that they lost. We all went hunting and agreed to meet in 2 hours and if we need to use cell phones.
I caught loads during the hunting trip and had enough to last me 2 weeks. I really want to know how the shopping went and I need to be Mom’s birthday so I can shower her with attention. I headed back to where I was meant to meet my parents and Dadda was already there so I ran up to him and gave him a hug.

Well what did you think? Did you like it I do hope so please fan read and Comment love you guys xox

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