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A/N ok so there are going to be some chapters where I am going to make it like an actual story. ALSO for some of the Instagram pictures I may have to use random people because my characters actually have pictures together.

Annie's POV

"Annie are you excited to meet Hayden?" Hayley asks me as she gets her hair and makeup done. "I think so. But I'm also nervous. What if he doesn't like me in person." I say to her finishing my makeup. "Trust me. He'll like you." She says to me grabbing her things. We head to the gymnasium so she can warm up with her team and all that.
We get there and I see Hayden sitting in the bleachers. "Go Annie. Meet your future boyfriend. I'm gonna go warm up." She says and I smile and nod. Wait future boyfriend? Oh well. I walk over to Hayden and he sees me and gets up. "Hey." He says to me. "Hi.." I say to him. "Ok. You are probably going to think I'm insane and you're probably right but Annie I like you. A lot and I know we just met like two days ago but I want to ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He says kinda rambling. I look over at Hayley and see her holding her phone and she nods at me telling me to say yes. "I like you too and I don't think you're crazy. Yes Hayden I would love to be your girlfriend." I say and hug him. He hugs back and I hear Hayley squeal. We sit down and she goes to warm up. "So where are your parents?" Hayden asks me. "They are in Maryland. My parents aren't ever home and don't ever care what we do. Hayley and I are homeschooled. All our parents do are pay the bills and by groceries so they don't ever come with us when Hayley has a meet." I say. "Wow." He says. We talk for a little longer and Hayley sends me the video and then the meet starts.
     The meet is over and Hayley got 1st place. "Congrats Hayley." I say to her when she comes over to Hayden and I. "Thanks and congratulations to you too! You got your first boyfriend!" Hayley says excitedly and I just smile and blush. "Congratulations little bean." Hayden says. "Thanks Hayden. Don't hurt my sister or you'll regret it." She says. "I wouldn't think of hurting her." Hayden says and kisses my temple. I blush and Hayley squeals. "Come on. Let's go to the hotel so you can get changed and then we can explore." I say and we start leaving. "Or I can just show you around." Hayden says and we continue walking.
"Where to first?" Hayley asks. "Let's text the group chat first. Nobody has talked and I'm kinda concerned." Hayden says and I nod. We get our phones out and tell Hayley we will probably add her.

New Friends💘
{Annie💜, Hayden💙, Kenzie💋, Johnny🤪, Lauren🌻, William☘️, Jayden🌸, Connor👻, Brynn🌺, Carson🌞, Ruby🥀, Ashton🔥, Nadia🌷, Brandon🐶}

Hayden💙: Hello people! I'm going to add Annie's sister Hayley because she's like really cool for her age.

Hayden💙 has added Hayley to New Friends💘

Hayden💙: Ok. Hayley you can change your contact name, and then send your name, age, and tell everyone a little about you and send a picture of yourself.
Hayley: Ok

Hayley has changed her name to Hayley🐰

Hayley🐰: I'm Hayley, 12 years old, my older sister is Annie, I love to do gymnastics and I'm single.

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