Im a monster.....

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*The door opens and nala was sitting on the floor and Kiro looks at her with a slight growl*

Kiro: cmon pet hurry up I have something to do with u

*she looks up at him and nodded getting up and walks slowly with him. He notice how slow she was going and get very angry so he grabbed her wrist extremely hard and crushes her weak bone and dragged her along as she whimpers in pain*

Kiro: u brat! Do what I say and hurry up!
*he pushed her forwards and kicked her so she fell*
Nala: ow.. *she gets up slowly and holds her broken wrist and walks next to him looking down and hunched over*

(After walking down the hall)

Kiro: *grabs her broken hand and shoved her into this machine and pulled a switch that sent 100,000,000 bolts down her body nala didn't scream in fact she didn't move or whimper at all. He smirked and opens the door and pulls nala out and shoved her out of his lab and she trips and falls face first to the ground*

Nala: stop...
Kiro: excuse me?
Nalas eyes started to glow a light blue and she gets up*
Kiro: wtf-..
Nala had an evil smirk on her face and she puts her hand up but then Kiro slits her eye with a knife which made her flinch back and her eye to stop glowing. She looked at the blood and wasn't blind since the blade just missed her eye she was done at this point and she growls loudly creating a massive amount of wind/fire and used it all on her father.
Hours had pass and nala had passed out from using so much of her quirk but when she woke up she was in shock on what she see*

Nala: n no.... I d didn't do this... please tell me I didn't... *her face filled with tears as she sat on a black rock with lava around it the sky's had turn to grey and everything seemed lonely.. dark and scary..*she cries and holds her knees together and wanted it all to end*

(Days had past of nala just crying to herself)

*the pros across the world heard about what happened and went to go check it out one of the pros "Aizawa shota" had spotted the crying girl and walked over knowing it was her and picked her up as she cuddles him knowing that he will keep her safe and he shushes her and smiled gently as they both walk back to their home*

Nala harukos story Where stories live. Discover now