Starting School

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Today was the first day of high school for me and Alex. Luke told me that there isn't a uniform, which I was happy about.

I walked over to my closet and picked my red shorts and my long sleeve white crop top.

After I was dressed I put on my red converse and walked downstairs.

"Is that appropriate for school Aimee?" dad asked.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.

Dad sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"Oh and don't worry about taking the twins to school today I can do that." dad said. "so that means you're getting the school bus"

I just nodded.

"Aimee! The bus is here." Alex shouted. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door. I looked over to see Like walking out if his house towards the bus.

"Hello stranger." I heard Luke say.

"Hi Luke."

We sat down on the bus and just chatted.

Once we had finally arrived at school everyone went to their lockers but Luke insisted of coming with me to the reception. His excuse was that he didn't want me getting lost.

Once I had my schedule Luke walked me to my first class then met me again after to walk me to my next one. He did this all day even if his class was the other side of campus.

The bell went for last lesson and as I walked out I a aw Luke stood by the classroom door.

"Do you want to come over to for and practice again?"

"Why not."

We got off the school bus and walked into Luke's house.

"MOM I'M HOME!" he shouted.

"HI HUNNY. HAVE A GOOD BAND PRACTICE." his mother shouted back.

We walked down some stairs and into the basement. I sat down on the sofa watching Luke tune his guitar.

I walked over to the electric guitar and picked it up. Just as I started strumming some chords the other 3 boys walked into the room. my breath hitched when I saw Ashton.

After the boys had practiced for a bit they decided to chill out.

"We should play Truth or Dare." Calum suggested.

On no.


Hope you guys like it.

Took me a couple days to write. I found out yesterday that after half term I have. mock GCSE's. so updates will be slow in the next 3 weeks. i'll try and update but no promises

Love you guys

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