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Your shitty waitressing job at a snobby Beverly Hills restaurant lasts way too long. Your boss nearly killed you when you walked in almost late, and customers whined at you all night. Thinking about Jake and your date tomorrow night gets you through the painful shift. Of course, now it's over and you have to tell Becca about everything you did last night.

She drives up to pick you up from work and raises your eyebrows at you as you climb in the car. You know she's going to give you hell.

"So..." she begins.

"Don't even start, Mom," you groan.

"Relax, Y/N. I'm not mad. I was just worried when you didn't come home last night. I thought that guy murdered you or something!"

"Becca, not every man is a psycho killer," you roll your eyes.

"Well, how did your night go, if you didn't end up murdered?"

You sigh and smile at the memory. "It was..."

"He's just, different. Like, he was so nice. He told me I'm a good singer, he was so respectful, he even bought me breakfast, Becca," you can't stop smiling about it.

"Don't tell me you're falling in love with this guy after a one-night stand," Becca groans.

"Of course not! Who do you think I am?" You know you couldn't fall in love with a guy after one night, but you feel something for him. Something that could get pretty strong. But it won't. Not yet. You don't have time for a relationship right now.

"Are you gonna see him again?" Becca asks.
"Yeah, tomorrow night."

"So you do like this guy a bit.

"I guess so."

"Just be careful."

You groan. "Becca, what the hell could possibly happen?"

"He could break your heart."

"How do you know that?" You're a little annoyed now.

"He's got this dark vibe about him. Like he enjoys breaking things."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Y/N, listen to me! Just be careful," she sighs. You roll your eyes. It's always been like this between you two. She being the mother while you're the naive child.

When you met in the first grade you were getting picked on by a bunch of bitchy girls that you wanted to be friends with. Becca was the one who jumped in to save you and your stupid hopes of being one of those girls. Afterwards she told you, "You don't wanna mess with people like that." She's been protecting you ever since. When you were criticized by talent show judges for your singing, when your parents yelled at you for focusing on the band more than anything else, even school, and when your boyfriend cheated on you, which is when you decided you needed to leave your tiny town behind. You, Chris, Cal, and Becca had been playing together since the start of high school. You knew you guys had what it takes. Too bad no one in the L.A. music scene seems to think so. Not yet, at least.

"Oh, Y/N, I forgot to tell you. We have a meeting with a label," Becca begins.

You whip your head around at her.

"Seriously? No, you can't be serious."

"I'm completely serious." She says, grinning.

"When is it?" You can't believe it. You're practically shaking.

"This Friday." It's Sunday now.

How can you wait that long? "Holy shit, Becca. This could be our shot."

"Yeah, it could."

"Our lives could change forever." You can't hide the shock in your voice.

"Okay, now don't get your hopes up too high," Becca laughs, being the mature one in the friendship again.

"I'm not! I'm just excited," you smile. You can't wait to tell everyone who doubted you about this. Especially your parents. You wonder what Jake will think when you tell him about it tomorrow night. You can't stop smiling as you watch the lights of the city pass by on your way home.

Hollywood Nights//Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now