Chapter 2

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You walk into the kitchen while reading one of the books you bought. You didn't eat anything this morning. Jooheon noticed so he mentioned it before. You looked pale to him. It concerned him. Mostly because you are like them, but worse. You honestly think the guys are nice and cute but you are scared of getting closer to them due to what happened last time... Your heart clenches and your breath became heavy. You swallow a huge gulp of saliva and dropped the book in your right hand. Your eyes began to turn dark with along your face. You start to tremble while holding onto yourself. "not now...please..!" you feel tears forming in your eyes of fear.


"do you think Changkyun is mad?" Wonho asked, receiving a shrug from Kihyun. "why would you ask that? He is chill. I'm sure he doesn't care much." Kihyun said. "Kihyun, you know what happens to him after he kills. He feels guilt and it won't go away." Wonho said with sad Eyes. Kihyun sighs and decide to pour himself a cup of coffee. "we'll disguise this at home, okay?" Wonho just nods and went back to working.


You take a deep breath and slowly got up from your knees and stood up. You pick up the book and place it on the dining table. "I need fresh air.." you change your clothes again to more comfortable ones. You take your phone and went out.


You walk around the city and you notice that the bookstore is next to a cafe. "Has that cafe always been there? It's strange how I haven't seen it.." you shrug it off as if it's nothing and went inside. "welcome to our cafe!" you look up and see a handsome guy with pretty brown eyes and really light blonde hair.   "thanks." you smile brightly to cover up your broken feelings. "What would you like to have miss? I'm guessing you are new here." Wonho said with a smile. "just an ice tea.. and yes I am new to this cafe." you start to fiddle with your fingers.  You honestly feel calm looking at him. When you look at other people it feels like hell. "here you go! Please enjoy miss...?" He says, waiting for your name. "Y/N." you finish his sentence. "miss Y/N!" Wonho laughs almost blushing. "my name is Wonho, hope we see each other more often." At that point you thought he says that to everyone but just shook it off with a smile. "then I'll have to come here often." you tease with a wink and went out the cafe. "you usually don't flirt. The hell is with you?!" Kihyun asked, crossing his arms. "Huh? Ah...I don't know I just felt calm and easy around her. Is it weird?" Kihyun frowns and thought for a moment. "actually...I felt some strange presence around her it is weird! She is different.." Kihyun said. "But how..?" Kihyun yet shrugs and smiles.


You are walking around again with your half done ice tea. You sighed after drinking it all. You threw the paper like, bottle in the dumpster and kept walking till you had realized that you walked into a dead end. "crap..." you curse under your breath till you got quickly turned by someone. "wrong direction miss Y/N." you frown in confusion at how the unfamiliar guy knows your name. "who are you?" you ask in a calm tone. "Chae Hyungwon. You are Y/N without a last name, nonetheless a family." Hyungwon said. "okay mister smarty pants. How did you get that information??" you ask with a higher tone this time as you cross your arms on your chest. "i have my ways. Say, do you have a habit of killing?" you feel a somewhat knife in your gut which made you want to puke. "yeah so what?" you try hard not to puke but it's impossible. "psychopath much?" your jaw clenches and your heart stops for what felt like an hour. "look, if you want me to do you a favor just say it! I don't have all day for you." Hyungwon let out a laugh which confused you. He stops and began to smile. "don't worry, it's nothing big." you didn't dare let your eyes off him, not even dared to blink.


"don't worry, it's nothing big sure mister sherlock! Why would you take me to your house that is like a got damn mansion?!" You asked, stunned. "i don't live alone. I have brothers that are just like you." Hyungwon said. "...what?..." Hyungwon sighs in disbelief. "i thought you were more smarter than this.." Hyungwon said with a sad expression. "well sorry! Okay you got brothers that are like me, psychopathic, right?" he slowly nods. "although..we're not biological. I helped them up when they had their bad day." you knew exactly what he meant by 'bad day'. "b..but what do you want from me? It's not like i can help them to control their bad side.." you said. "who knows? As far as i know, you've barely killed these days. You are controlling yourself, how?" You swallow nervously. You are scared of what he will do when you tell him. You don't know exactly who he is but that he lives with his 6 Brothers. "Should i trust him..?" you thought. "if i don't tell you?"  Hyungwon walks closer to you but stops after some inches from your feet touching. "i might as well force it out of you. Maybe brain washing you?" Hyungwon said. "'s nothing special..i just count my breathing and i'm calm." he steps away from you and hums and walks to what seems like an underground science office. "D..does he experiment on his brothers?" you thought swallowing a big saliva that has been choking you for minutes now. "just so you know, i don't make anyone drink these." you can't believe him. Mostly because he doesn't seem innocent. "where are your brothers?" you asked. "working. Three of them are working in a bookstore and two are in a cafe. Me and my sixth brother are working as CEOs. which of course i'm the boss of my company." You look around while walking. You didn't touch anything because you don't want to get an infection or anything. "actually...there's another trick for controlling the bad side.." you said. "i'm listening." Hyungwon looks at you. "'s a drink. I mean, a potion. It contains a special flower and salt water." you explained. "where do we get that?" you look down for a sec and bit your lip. "i'm not sure. My mother used to make them for me when i was little, she was a nurse and a scientist. I have a room full of potion bottles. But i don't know where she gets the flowers from.." you said. "i see.." He says, beginning to think when he looks up at you. "Maybe from a fairy forest? Which village did you live in before?" Hyungwon asked. "Oh, uh.." Suddenly you get cut off by someone. "Hyungwon! Who's this young lady here?" You turn and see someone you've never met. "I'm guessing he is Shownu.." You thought blinking a few times. "This young lady here is Y/N. Also, welcome home dear brother. Did the paperwork destroy your mind?" Hyungwon chuckled. "If you'd help me out finishing them there wouldn't be a problem!" Shownu says rubbing the side of his head in pain. "This will help then." Hyungwon holds out a tiny glass of purple water. "What's that? Didn't Hyungwon say that he DOESN'T use those potions on them?!" You thought feeling a bit anxious. "Thanks brother..i feel better now." He smiles and looks over at you. "Well, looks like we'll see each other bit by bit. That is if you come here often." Shownu then walks away. "I could've sworn i saw him smirk just now!! What the hell?! I know he's a psycho but come on!" you thought. "Y/N, darling, you shouldn't be freaking out. After all... You Are One Of Them..Aren't You?"

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