Chapter 14

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Xavier's POV:

Same night

I keep pacing the room worrying if Gidget is okay.
I can't take it anymore I just need to see her and know she's okay.
I walk up the stairs to her room. I hesitate to open the door but slowly
turn the handle.I see Gidget sleeping on the bed. She starts to stir in her sleep and slowly awaken. When she does she gets up facing away from me.

The back of her shirt is open.
I stared at her back for a moment not knowing how to react.
Scars scattered across her skin showing the pain she with through
because of her father. Fury started to course through my
Bain's the longer I looked. I wish I made Victor suffer more
he deserved to suffer more.

I walk up behind he and gently touched he back. She flinched and
sadness overcame me as I backed away from her. She turned quickly and
looked me in the eyes. I could see the worry as she rushed over too me.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean too... I just... I"
"Why didn't you tell me?" I interrupted her.

She looked down at her feet not willing to meet my eyes.

"Tell you what?" She said quietly.
"About the scars Gidget, you said you were fine and healed."
"I... you were so angry already and ..."
she mumbled something at the end I couldn't understand.
"They're ugly and I didn't want you to see them."

I tilt her chin up so she can look into my eyes.

"Gidget, I love you and I always will no matter what you look like.
Though your beautiful the scars only add to that because
they show how strong you are. You've been though a lot and these
show your story. Gidget you amazing you just need
to be able to see it yourself."

I see a lonely tear stream down her face.
I gently brush it away with my thumb as she leans into my hand.
She turns her head and softly kisses my hand.

"Thank you." She says.
"No need to thank me for speaking the truth." I smile down as her.

She gets on her tiptoes and leans in to gently kiss my lips.
She goes to pull away but I pull her back for another kiss and I hear her laugh.
She pulls away only to pull me into a close embrace.

"I'd never made it through if it wasn't for you."
"That's not true, you're stronger than you think."

For once everything seemed to just fit in place and I felt...



Gidget's POV:

2 weeks later

Finally everything between Xavier and I seemed to be going smoothly.
I ever knew you could love one person so intensely. I feel like without him the day are a little darker but when he's near everything is suddenly clear again.
It's amazing, simply exhilarating. We have such a strong bond at thins point
it's hard to imagine not being with him.

It was later in the evening and already getting dark outside.
I walk into Xavier's office and see him sitting doing paperwork. I go up behind him and lay my hands on his shoulders. I instantly feel the tension leave him.
He leans back and looks up at me with a smile. I lean down to give him a quick
peck on the lips. He grabs my arm to pull me around the chair so I'm now
facing him. I giggle as he pulls me onto his lap.his grin widens.

"What?" I say.
"Nothing, I just love that sound."

I shake my head as he pulls me close and I run my fingers through his hair.
He leans in for another kiss and I kiss him back not wanting this
Perfect moment to end. He picks me up and sets me back on my feet again.
He gets up and turns to face me.

"I have a surprise for you." He said.
"I just told you it's a surprise."
"Turn around."
"What? Why?"
"Well do you want to know the surprise or not."

I mumbled under my breath as I turned around.
I felt something go over my eyes.
He put a blindfold on me.

"It will be way to difficult to lead you out there I already know."
"Well then how do you plan on.... what? Hey!"

I was cut off by him picking my up Lois Lane style.

"Put me down!"
"Not yet."

It seemed like we hadn't gone very far and he stopped.
He sat me down and took his place standing behind me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

I nodded my head excitedly.
I could hear him lightly laugh at my reaction.
I felt his hand behind me slowly untying the blindfold.
As it finally stared to lower my vision was flooded with
beautiful lights scattered across the lovely garden.
In the center there sat a table with a candle
Lit dinner set on it.

I turned around and jumped into his arms
hugging him like  my life depended on it.

"Thank you." I sincerely told him.
"Your welcome." He said kissing the top of my head.

Through the night we talked and laughed
and everything Feldman just... well... perfect.
Towards the end of He dinner Xavier seem nervous about
something. I couldn't place what though. As I was
About to ask he finally spoke up.

"Gidget I have something I need to tell you... well, ask you."

I timidly nod my head.

"Well you see I ...."

"I've wanted to ask for a while ...."




Sorry it's been so long yet again. I hope to get back
into more of a routine soon. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Please let me know any thought on the story
I'm open to any kind of feedback.
Any predictions for the next chapter?


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