Wolf Pack: The Survival - Chapter 15 "Pregnant? Maybe... or maybe not."

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  • Dedicated to Fans

xX Hey fans! Chap 15! Sorry if I took so long! School, homework... you all already know! Hope you like this chap! Xx


Greyarly P.O.V.

"And a month passed. It must be January now. I noticed something. I'm starting to feel something in my stomach. And I think it's a little, just a little bigger. Maybe I have been eating to much. Yeah, it must be that.", I though to myself. We still hadn't reached the wolf territory in the east. But at least we got out of the other wolf territory. Me and Ghost take care of the hunt while Shaunee gets a cave or a tree hole where we can sleep. But I'm teaching her how to hunt. She's learning really quick. She even helped hunting a little female elk that we found. I'm really proud of her. She's more happy now. Of course she still misses Jett and Shane, but she's happier than a month ago.

We were now making a run between the three of us and I was in second but I was almost in first. Ghsot was now in first. "Come on slowy Greyie!", he said loud, "Hey! I'm not slow! I'm fast! Wanna see?", "You can try!", when he said that I began to run at full speed and soon I was in first place. I passed the tree that was marking the race's end. When I stoped I jumped of joy and said out loud, "Haha! There you have it Ghost! I told you I was the fastest!", "Yeah sure...", he mumbled but then said, "I was just tired! It was long!", i laughed and said while licking his noise, "Yeah sure! Look Shaunee is here!", I noticed that Shaunee was reaching us finally. She looked at us all tired and said, "Shhheshh you two are so but so fast!!", me and Ghost laughed and Shaunee joined us. Sudenly I felt a little pain in my stomach, "Wow...", I said. Ghost looked at me worried and asked, "What? Are you ok?", the little pain came again, "I-I don't know... It's my stomach... I don't know what's going on with it...", "Well I know!", Shaunee said happilly, "What is it Shaunee? WHat is it? What's going on with Greyarly?", Ghost asked worriedly almost yelling, "It's obvious! I've been watching you Greyarly. Your belly is getting bigger a little by little, I think I know why! You are.... pregnant!!!", she said while jumping in joy. Sometimes she really looks like a little pup when she's excited. Ghost and I looked at each other for a few seconds with shocked expressions. "Are you sure Shaunee?", he asked, "Of course I'm sure! I can't be more sure than this! Ahaha! I'm so happy for you two! You're going to have pups!", she said. I smiled. Maybe she was right. Maybe I'm pregnant! Or... maybe not. It may be another thing... but maybe I'm just pregnant. "I wonder how many pups I'm going to have!", I said. "Well that I don't know. Maybe near the spring.", she said. Ghost stared at her, "Why spring?", he asked. Me and Shaunee laughed. "Because springs is when the pups usually born you dump!!", she said loud. He got angry for her to yell at him. He began to chase her. It was so funny. I felt my belly hurt again. The pups must have found it funny too.

Matt P.O.V.

"Have you found something?", I asked them. They shoke their heads. One of them said, "Nothing alpha. It's like they don't exist sir.", I was really mad. A month passed and we still hadn't found them. I talk with Holly in her dreams sometimes, but I can't use it to find them. No one  finds their smells. If I had Holly here... Well, I just have to search more and more... and think. Where would they go to hide from us? Obviously they know we are chasing and trying to kill them... so where are they? Think Matt, think! They couldn't go really far... after all they're wolves not werewolves... so, which places could they go? Hmm... I have no idea... I have to ask one of my man to get a map or something. I looked at them and said, "Bring me a map! If I'm right, they may be in a place near us, but I need a map to see where.", they nodded with their heads and walked away. If they do what I say, we'll find them in no time...

Holly P.O.V.

A month passed. I still haven't found them. But I'm near them. I had a few problems in the way to the wolf territory in the north, but now I'm here. The problem is: Greyarly is not here. But I can still smell her. She headed to the east. Problaby to the wolf territory near here in the east. I just hope Matt hasn't found her. No... he hasn't. He would tell me. Last dream he appeared, we just... talked. He says he misses me. That I was his best fighter and searcher. That he loves me. But that he also wants meto pay for abandoning him. I say nothing. I just listened. Sometimes I miss him too. But I'm a 14 year old girl. I still don't understand anything of mates and werewolves. I don't know what it is to love someone. Conclusion: I'm still new, I don't understand anything. But I have a lot of time to learn. That is the life's cicle. We are always learning things we don't know or understand. Maybe when I'm 16 or 17, I'll understand this mate thing. Maybe. Just maybe. But now I have to concentrate in Greyarly. Maybe I'm still too far away from her. I'm near and far at the same time. Ahh... will I find her. Yes, maybe. I believe I'm going to find her.


xX It was chap 15! Sorry if it is a little small, but I just wanted to say what was going on with Greyarly and the others.

So, is Shaunee right? Is Greyarly really pregnant? Probably. Who will find Greyarly first? Matt or Holly? I don't know... you have to read the next chap to find out the answers!!! Xx

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