Chapter 15: Am i in love?

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Me: How can I calm down? You dont want me to stress? Than why are you doing this?

Siwon: what do you mean ?

Me: What i mean? Just why do you keep giving me hopes huh ? You think its easy for me? Marrying you? Living as the wife of the top korean celebrity and getting death threats ?

Siwon: False.. hopes?

Me: Your having fun right? Making me suffer
Do you think im someone easy? Just bcause we've had a one night stand doesnt mean you have the right to treat me this way too!

Siwon: Shruti i dont get it, what do you mean by false hopes?

Me: I've never felt this way before, I cant stop but feeling jealous everytime your with her, when Your not around me i just keep wondering where u are, did you eat, did you sleep! Why am i worrying for you, when i should only care about my baby 😢 I pray everyday cause i want our baby to look like you..

Siwon: Do you love me?

Me: I think its my hormones, im crazy! 😢 sorry forget it

Siwon: Do you love me?

Me: Any (no) how can i not fall for you? Your my first kiss, my husband, my babies father, the first man in my life.... how can i not bring myself to love you? Atleast for the baby i want us to be a family.... i need you with me siwon'shi ... How can i fall for you in 5 months? I dont know! But you doing this wont help me...

Shocked siwon doesnt reply... he keeps looking at his feet

Me: Ok im sorry .. just forget everything i might get over it after my pregnancy

Siwon (looks at me): Why do you only think about yourself? How can you be so selfish?

Me: Selfish?

Siwon: Yes selfish !

Me: What? How can... how can you .. say that.. to me?

Siwon: Yes your selfish! « my pregnancy, my baby » your not alone ! Im with you its OUR baby, OUR pregnancy... just cause i dont spend my ENTIRE time with you doesnt mean im not concerned!

Me: ok fin..e... Sorry

Siwon: And me too... me too i keep thinking about you, Whatever you ate, you slept, your doing fine... i cant help but think only of you and the baby every single day

Me: 😳

Siwon: To be honest the day we got married when we walked the aisle together.. i kept thinking what if we were really in love... and we made this baby by love.. seeing you struggle with the morning sickness, your belly growing up.. and you enduring all of this for me how can i not fall for you? How can i not respect you too?

Me: Siwon'shi..

Siwon: I do love you shruti, its true I did think at the beginning that i felt this way.. because of the baby. But it wasnt!

Me: What do...

He suddenly pulls me closer to him and gets on his feet..

Me: What are you doing?

He then hugs my belly and kiss it

Siwon: I will never let you alone, i will never stop loving you and our baby just trust me!
Me: siwon shi!!

He then gets up and kiss me and we
end up sleeping together and this time we do remember everything....

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