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 The loud music vibrated the walls of the club as you walked in. It was your twenty-first birthday and your friend decided that the best way to celebrate was to get shitfaced drunk. You would rather stay at home with your first legal glass of wine and watch your tv dramas, but oh well.   

Your best friend, Min-ha, grabbed your hand and pulled you towards a booth where a few unfamiliar girls sat.

Taking notice of the two of you, smiles spread across their faces.

"I brought the birthday girl!" Min-ha cheered sitting down. "Ladies, this is Y/n".

A few introductions were given and drinks began to pour in.

 At first you were hesitant to try any of the stronger drinks that Min-ha brought you since the last time you had a strong drink, you were stuck in the bathroom all night. You began loosening up after your third shot.

Against your group's protest, you made your way to use the bathroom. 

"You'll have to start over!" one yelled over the music.

"You're gonna have to pee all night now!" protested another.

After relieving your bladder, you stepped out and scanned the room for a familiar face, but couldn't see anyone. The booth you previously occupied was empty so you assumed everyone was dancing.

That, or you were ditched.

Your worries dissipated when you caught a glimpse of Min-ha dancing with a ridiculously handsome, broad-shouldered man.  Lucky her.

You decided that another drink was in order. You sat at the bar and scanned the extensive menu. Who knew there were so many choices? 

Your indecisiveness really showed it's ass tonight. 

Before you could actually make a decision, a glass of what looked like red slushie was placed in front of you. You looked up at the bartender, "I um, I didn't order this".

"Courtesy of that gentleman over there" he replied motioning to a man sitting alone in a booth not far from where you were. 

His dark eyes seemed as if they were looking right into your soul. You found yourself in a bit of a staring contest with him. His plush lips spread into an amused grin, dimples appearing on his soft skin. 

He lifted a hand and his long finger curled up, beckoning you towards him. And as if you were under some spell,  you obeyed. Standing up, your shaky legs slowly brought you closer to the handsome man. 

You slid into the booth next to him and was pulled to his side. His large hand found its way to your waist and he gave it a small squeeze. 

"Tell me why such a pretty girl is at a bar all by herself" he spoke, his deep voice going straight to your core. 

"I-I'm not. M-my friends are dancing" you stuttered out. Great, now he'll think you're unsocialized.

He nodded and looked around the room with an unreadable expression. He looked back down at you (you're just now realizing how tall this man was; especially compared to you).

His tongue poked out to wet his lips, "my friends are on the dance floor as well. So, why don't we keep each other company?"

You nodded, a blush crawling up your neck.

"I'm Namjoon by the way"



You couldn't contain your moans as Namjoon kissed and sucked down your neck to the valley between your breasts.

Your hands found their way to his brown hair and tangled themselves within it as he took a nipple into his mouth.

One of his hands dipped down between the two of you and began rubbing at your clit at a teasing pace, causing you to cry out.

"So wet for me" he groaned.

"P-please" you gasped, rubbing your core against his hand hoping to get some friction.

"Please what?" He asked, rubbing a bit harder.

"I wanna- wanna cum".

Your first orgasm of the night hits before you even realize it.

You barely have time to recollect yourself before he's spreading your legs and lining his member up with your entrance. He looks down at you with hooded eyes, looking for a signal to keep going. You nod and moan as he slowly pushes in.


You felt as if you could drop dead on the spot. In your shaking hands sat a single positive pregnancy test. It was actually the third one you took, all resulting in those two lines that changed your life.

You were on the pill, so how could this be possible?

Birth control was never a hundred percent accurate.

You placed the test down and walked out of the bathroom.

"Well?" Min-ha asked.

"Positive..." You whispered, not looking up at her. You felt yourself being pulled into a hug.

"It'll be alright, Y/n. You'll be okay" she said softly, stroking your h/c locks.


You went to the doctor the following Monday to confirm the pregnancy. You were absolutely, one hundred percent pregnant. You were sure that the father was Namjoon from the club considering you haven't had much action since.

The problem was how you were going to tell him. You didn't have anyway of contacting him and none of your friends knew him or even what he looked like.

You were on your own with this one.

Digging through your purse to get your  house keys, your hand made contact with a folded piece of paper. You pulled it out and unfolded it, revealing a phone number with Namjoon's name written above. Your heart skipped a beat; that was one problem solved.

You unlocked the door to your apartment and walked inside still gripping the paper in your hand. How would you go about telling him that you were pregnant with his child? You haven't spoken to him in over ten weeks.

Would he even remember who you are? A handsome man like him is surely seeing plenty of women.

How would he react? Would he reject you, dooming you to become a single mother?

As these thoughts ram through your head, you slowly dialed the number written down on the paper. You pushed the thoughts aside for the moment as you pressed dial and held your phone against your ear.

"Hello?" He answered with that deep voice you didn't realize you craved.

"H-hi, Namjoon. It's Y/n. F-from the club?"

"Y/n? Oh! So you finally got around to calling me".

"Sorry about that. I didn't even realize that note was in my purse".

You could hear him sigh, "right. That might have been an oversight on my part. I should've just left it on your dresser. Tell you what, let's meet up for lunch".

Maybe you could tell him face-to-face then. It may be harder for you, but it'll force you two to figure things out then and there.

"Sure. Sounds great".

I hope you enjoy this. It's my first time writing a BTS fan fiction so I may be a little rusty at first, but bear with me ♡

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