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A shorter chapter
You arrive at Namjoon's home about a half hour later and Seokjin immediately dragged you to the bathroom to clean your wound. You tried to protest, telling him that it was only a scratch and didn't hurt. He didn't buy it.

 Namjoon lived in a luxury apartment in the wealthier part of the city, which didn't completely surprise you considering he dresses in expensive clothing brands on a regular basis. What did surprise you, however, was that all seven of them lived together. Sure, it was large enough that they could all fit comfortably, but you assumed that a bachelor such as Namjoon would want to have his own space. 

 After getting patched up, you walked to the kitchen where you were told to meet Namjoon. You found him sitting at the table along with Yoongi.

 You sat down in the chair next to him, "You said you'll explain everything?" 

He nods, "I owe you that much".

You take your hand off the table and move it to your small baby bump, "Go on".

You learned that Namjoon was the leader of BTS, one of the two major gangs around. BTS specializes in two areas, but he wouldn't specify what those were no matter how much you asked. 

"It doesn't matter, just know that it's dangerous work" he said.

"BlackPink is the other major gang in the area. They're relatively new, but they've been growing and fast. At this point, I'm sure they're bigger than we are. But they've gotten cocky. They assumed that because they're larger, they're stronger. They sent some of their members to ambush our men while they were picking up a shipment a few weeks ago, but were quickly dealt with. I'm sure earlier was some sort of retaliation." he continued.

You frown, how did you end up getting caught up in the middle of a gang war? This was just your luck.

 "I'm not in any danger am I?" you ask.

Namjoon frowned, "I wish I could say no, but they know about you now. They're going to assume you're either a member of the gang or you're with one of us. Either way, I'm sure they're going to try to target you". He turns to Hoseok, who you didn't notice enter, "I'll ask V to install a security system at her place, but if she needs to go somewhere and I can't be with her, you'll go with her". 

Hoseok saluted with a grin, "aye-aye, Boss!"


Police cars rush past you as you and Namjoon walk towards your apartment later on that night. The two of you walked side by side with your left arm wrapped around his right. It wasn't until fire trucks and large black trucks sped after them, did you realize that something was happening. 

"I wonder how bad it is.." you say, mostly to yourself. 

"What was that?" Namjoon asked.

You hummed, "I hope the fire they're going to isn't too bad".

A high pitched tune startled you, you look over to see Namjoon pull his cell phone out of his pocket. His pace slowed until the two of you stopped. "We're heading back now" he says, his tone dark. 

He hangs up and looks down at you, his plush lips pulled down into a frown. "We need to go back to my place" he says as he pulls his arm from yours. 

"What? What's wrong?" you asked, slightly panicked. He placed his hand on your lower back, turning you around. "Your apartment building was hit" he says, starting to guide you back towards where you came from. 


You enter his apartment to find the rest of the guys still in the living room where you left them. They let out a collective sigh of relief upon seeing the two of you. 

Jungkook quickly stood up and lead you to sit in the spot he previously occupied. 

"What's going on? All I was told was that my apartment was 'hit'. What does that even mean?" you ask, gently caressing your stomach. 

Namjoon and Seokjin glanced at each other before turning their gaze back to you. Seokjin spoke up, "there was a bomb planted in your apartment building. We're not sure where or if you were even the target, but we can't be too sure."

"It's on the news" Jimin said, catching your attention. Sure enough, an image of your apartment building up in flames was shown on the television. There was an unknown amount of casualties, but it's assumed that there were no survivors. A feeling of dread washed over you, you would have been dead if you had gone home earlier or if you never left the house at all. 

"I have nowhere to live now" you say softly. Everything you owned was destroyed, you had nothing left besides the clothes on your back. Even the baby stuff you slowly acquired through the months were lost. It wasn't like you had anywhere else to go, either. Min-ha lived on campus at the local university and she was pretty much the only friend you had. 

You felt a large hand rest itself on the top of your head. You look up to see Namjoon frowning at you, "I'm disappointed that you'd think I'd let you live homeless, especially when you're carrying my child". You felt your face heat up as you looked down at your growing stomach. 

You'd be alright, after all.

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