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Trigger Warning: strong language, depiction of a sexual assault. Also use of the word "fag" - which was a popular slang term for cigarettes in the 1980s.


"silence makes me quiver."
                                - Nightmares | DKMH



March 14, 1983
Malibu. California
"Hey, babe," Billy said as I approached his driveway. He was leaning up against the passenger door of his blue Camaro, a plain black lighter in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He lit his cigarette in one easy flick of the fire, and took a long drag, huffing out the smoke from his soft pink lips. The light Spring wind blew through his dirty blond, curly mullet. He smiled at me.

I leaned against the car next to him, my heart fluttering like it always did. I held out my hand to him, looking up into his crystal, yet vibrant, blue eyes, "Can I have a fag?"

He stared at me, shocked by my question for a moment, before he nodded his head and chuckled. He handed me the one in his hand, "Sure, take a few drags of mine."

"Thank you," I practically gasped out, grabbing it from him. I deeply inhaled, letting the tobacco scrape down my throat and engulf my lungs. I did the repetitive motion of bringing the cigarette to my lips six more times before handing it back to Billy.

"Are you stressed or something?" he asked, throwing the cigarette butt onto the concrete, stepping on it with his black leather boot.

"Oh, it's nothing I haven't dealt with before," I said, puffing my chest out as I crossed my arms, "Except for the fact that my dad came home with some random woman last night, and I could hear them moaning all night long."

I pushed off of the car, scrunching my face up in disgust as I went to open the passenger door. Billy was still standing in the way, a wicked smile on his face, "Well. I'm sure your dad doesn't appreciate it when he hears you screaming my name while he's trying to sleep off his hangover in his chair."

"Billy!" I gasped, slapping his arm, "That was one time, and he wasn't even home that day."

He put his hands up in defense, laughing, "I'm sure he can hear us three houses down. You're pretty loud when I'm fucking you. You're especially loud when I'm on top of you."

I frowned at him, a blush trying to creep it's way to the surface, "If you don't shut up, I swear I will -"

"You will what?" he interrupted, sticking out his tongue and swiping it across his lips. He looked down at me, his arms snaking around my waist.

I shoved him to the side of the car, and went to open the passenger door. I peered up at him as I sat down in the car, "I will never have sex with you again."

He recovered quickly from my words - and my rather harsh push - and flashed a devious grin at me before strolling around to the other side of the car and getting in. I buckled up, and plopped my backpack between my legs on the floor of the car.

Billy turned to face me, "You could never. You love the way I fuck you over and over again, pretty baby. You love the way I make you come undone. You can't resist me."

My jaw dropped at his statement, once again crossing my arms in annoyance. I sunk further into the seat, wrinkles forming on my forehead from frowning. I stayed silent as he only chuckled, revving up his engine and pulling out of the driveway.

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