Chapter 1

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I groan as my alarm clock goes off signalling that I have to get ready for school. I get out of bed and walk into my bathroom and take a shower once I'm done I get out and dry myself and pick some cloths. I pick a simple grey tee with black skinny jeans and white converses. I put my hair up in a messy bun grab my phone, keys wallet and school bag and head down stairs to the kitchen. On the way to the kitchen I pass my dad and instantly know that something bad's gunna happen when his hand shot out and grabs my wrist. I stop and look at him he has a disgusted look on his face I would have been upset about it if I wasn't so use to it. He then pushed me over and kicked me in the ribs he then bends down and picks me up by my hair, by now I have tears running down my face from the pain "it's your fault there gone and I'm gunna remind you everyday slut" when I was ten we got into a car accident going to one of my singing auditions my mum and older brother Max didn't make it or that's just what they told us. he then let's go of me hair and punches my in the stomach I double over in pain. He just simply walks off. After awhile I get off the ground and walk into the kitchen and get some pain killers to stop the pain after that I get my stuff and leave the house and walk to school.

Well I'm standing in front of my new school feeling nervous this is the fifth time I've moved school because of my dad when ever the school asks about the bruises . When I'm about to start walking I get pushed to the ground when I look up I see a blond girl staring at me with her ice blue eyes she then had a look of disgust on her face "what were you doing standing in the middle of the wallkway freak" she hissed

I get off the ground and brush the dirt off my black pant and looked at her she was wearing shorts that were really short and she was wearing a crop top "first don't call me a freak and second I was standing there because I can" I say
"Well I said you can't" she yells in a hush tone
"Does it look like I care what you say" I say board. She just scoffs and walks away I look around and head inside to the office. Inside there a guy sitting on a chair in the waiting area bit and across the room is a desk that an old lady is sat at looking board I walk up to her and smile "hi I'm here to get my schedule"
"Of course name?" She ask
"Layla Morna" I state
"Ok here you go" she prints off a sheet of paper and hands it to me I look at it and see I have maths I groan "I hate maths"
"You and me both" says a husky voice from behind me I jump and turn around and see it's the guy that was sitting down on one of the chairs he had jet black wavy hair with bright green eyes he had a black t-shirt and dark jeans and red vans.
"And who are you?" I ask he leans in near my ear and whispers "that's for me to know and you to eventually know" whit that he backs off and sits back down. I walk out and look for my class room. When I find it I see a young man teaching the class I walk inside and everyone's eyes are on me "hello who might you be" the man asks he looks familiar but I just can't put it.
"Um I'm new here my name Layla Morna" I say he looks surprised and then looks at me "Layla as in the daughter of Earl and Fran" I nod he looks happy "do I know you?" I ask
"It your brother Max"
"No my brother died in a car accident 7 years ago" I say
"Layla I didn't die they said you, mum and dad all died I was put into foster care" he says
"But why would they do that?" I ask he shrugs and turns to the class "you have a free right now leave" he demand everyone quickly gets up and leaves Max walk over to his desk and sits he then looks at me "Layla I'm gunna go to the police and ask about this. I can't believe they would do this to us" he says
"I need to go" with that I ran out of the classroom I could hear my brother yelling my name but I ignored him and kept running till I was outside then ran into the forest nears the school.

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