Chapter 3

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while just had so much shit on my plate but anyway here's chapter 3 it's 1 in the morning and I can't sleep so I thought I should update hope u like 😄😄
Layla's POV
My eyes slowly flutter open and I see that I'm still in the forest and the sun is setting and if I don't get home soon I'm gunna be in big trouble.
I feel something move next to me I look down and see it's the black wolf.
For some strange reason I'm not scared of it. I slowly stand up trying not to wake the wolf up and I slowly make my way home preparing for what's going to happen when I get home. I make my way through the quite streets. When I finally make it home I quickly open the front and walk in but just as I walk in my dad comes down the stairs and stands in front of me, I see anger in his eyes and I can smell alcohol on his breath. "Great he's drunk that's gunna make the beatings worse" I think in my head.
"Hey slut what time do you call this" he slurs
"I'm sorry I was stuck at school I had to help a girl with her project" I lie
"Lair I can smell boy on you, you've whoring around" he yells then slaps my face with so much force that I'm thrown on the ground, he then punches me in the stomach and kicks me in the rib a couple of time. It hurts so much but I don't cry cause I know when I cry he'll hurt me more.
"Get out of my site now slut before I do some real damage, and you better not come home late again or else now go!" He yells. He didn't have to tell me twice before I quickly and painfully got up and went to my room.
I'm to tired to get changed so I stay in these cloths and I get into bed. My eyes are getting heavier and heavier and before I know it I'm asleep, but before I fell asleep I thought about the wolf.

When I wake up I notice I'm still in the forest but this time I'm alone. Layla must have left.
I think back to what she told me and growl, that fuck wit better stay away from my mate.
I get up and run home when I get there I see my father talking to one of the guards but when he sees me he storms over to me.
"Nate where have you been we tried to mind-link you but you blocked us out, what happened at school?, why did you ditch?." He asks so many questions.
"Dad calm down I was in the forest, at school I found my mate but the thing is her dads the rouge on our territory, she found out her brother is still alive and she ran out of the school and turns out her brother is a worrier in our pack and I ran after that's why I ditched and I blocked the mind-link cause she was crying and telling me what's been happening in her life and it's not good" I say anger
"So it's true about her father abusing her?" He asks I nod
"Well I think we need to pay him a little visit what do you say son" he say I nod and we get into the car and head over to Layla's house.

So that's it sorry if it's short I'll try to make the next chapter longer but thanks for reading and I hoped you liked it 😄😄

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