Chapter 19: Discovery Channel

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"Land, sweet land. Never have I valued you as much as I have now." Bradley laid down on the floor.

"Real hygienic, Brad." I tried picking him up "Move, people need to take turns appreciating land."

He pouted "One more minute!"

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it "Fine."

I surveyed the place, just trees and birds. It was a really big island though, so the base could be anywhere. It was great to hear wildlife again. Twinkle looked sick, probably because the trip on was pretty rough. Everyone poured out of the ship, and started to look around the place. The lush, fresh jungle made everyone feel calm after a big trip. I held onto my backpack, nervous about this new adventure.

"So, what do you think, Dora?" Allen chuckled.

"If you call me Dora again then Dora would probably be the last thing you see before you die." I retorted.

"But the highlight of the sentence was how you felt about this place."

I rubbed my chin "I like the trees."

Allen scoffed "And so do monkeys."

"Is it wrong to have the same interests as monkeys?"

"I suppose not."

"Exactly." I grinned and held my backpack closer "Boots says hi."

"Real smooth Atlantis, real smooth."

"We'll send a scouting team to look for the base, meanwhile everyone will continue with their work. Is that clear?"

The crowd muttered a reply and everyone went to do their own work. I decided to explore the whole place. Walking to Jerry who was instructing the scouts.

"Hey Atlantis, no you can't go scouting." He huffed.

I stood there, the question itched in my mind but Jerry already swatted it away. I just gulped and said

"I just wanted to ask if I could explore."

"Aren't scouting and exploring the same jobs?"

"No, I'm not trying to look for a base, if I find it I won't tell you."

Jerry howled in laughter.

"Fine, but be back by sunset. Bring Bradley so you won't die alone."

I gave him a high five before walking to Bradley.

"You up for exploring?" I offered.

"Jerry let you be a scout?" Bradley cocked his head.

"Exploring and scouting are two very different things Brad."

"But you do the same things right?"

"They're looking for the base, we're- I'm not."

"I'm just messing with you, I'm in."

"If you're ready we can go."

"I'm ready." Bradley picked up a sharp stick and posed in a fighting stance.

"I regret coming with you, you have some super power that makes you not tired or something." Bradley panted.

"Brad, we walked like two steps."

"Why are we so far away from our docking place then?"

I looked back, the people looked like figurines but we weren't that far. We could still see them, we just walked about fifteen minutes.

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