V: Everything YOU Owe

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Awakening was a challenge. Through the potent smell of the man that was snoring and plopped on you was adoringly accompanied by the fresh air that was blowing through a near open window. You sigh, loving to wake up such a clear sense of clarity that was adorned by the sunlight.

"Quit movin' would ya..."

Your attention snapped to the body draped over your waist. His leg hung off while his arms latched around your middle. You simply complied and besides it seemed to early to be doing anything yet.
He stirred up after a few silent minutes and groaning, picking the clothing out from wedging him any more.

"Mornin' traitor-"

"T-Traitor?" You stumbled while quickly sitting up, earning a small chuckle from the man.

"Only half true. You look like Mikey when he's...well fuck it he's like that all the time."

Your eyes narrowed as you made yourself stand up quickly, facing him,"Listen, I don't know what made you think you can just call me things I'm not."

"You prefer to call me what you are? I mean, sure toots! Let's see, you're someone to come into my Jeep two nights ago begging to drive away to hell knows where while you did wayyy too much for you to handle darlin' bet you look better with pounded crystal in your nostrils."

"And you? Thinking you're better than me?" You questioned as you stepped towards his form as he slowly stood up towering over you. You admitted, that scared you.

"Mmm, damn right. Are you gonna do anything about it?" He bent down, snickering while you remained determined.

"I'm going to forget you exist." You were quick to leave his tormenting stare but his rough hand around your wrist stopped you.

"Don't." He curtly stated while looking down.

"Why? Give me one valid reason I shouldn't." You looked over and you felt his grip loosen.

"Everyone leaves me. I don't ...hnng... want you to go."

You blinked, having seen his demeanor change so quickly left you in the dust,"What..?"

He groaned and let you go,"You fuckin' heard me, besides, you owe ME."

"I don't owe you shit, Trevor. Besides, I think what I'm finally scared of. I'm scared of becoming you." You paused, seeing his expression contort and mix with many emotions,"Everyone leaves you cause you prevent them from becoming better than you. That's your fear."

You knew you clicked something inside of him as he turned into a ball of anger.

"You don't know anything about me, Y/n."

"And you don't know anything about me. Let's keep it that way." Your words were sour, stirring in your mouth. Before Trevor could say anything a small cough emitted from behind you.

It was Michael.

"Well, erm, mornin'."

• • • •
The ride back to your slum of a neighborhood was silent. You sat in the front while Michael drove and Trevor steamed in the back in anger.

"So, Y/n. How long have ya been living around here?" Michael asked as he kept his attention to the road. 

"Long as I can remember." You replied curtly, looking out the passenger window, your stomach twisting and turning at the thought of heading home with what you just started to know. 

"How fuckin' cute. Can you two just kiss so I can get back to what I'm good at.'' Trevor groaned.

"Being a pain in the ass?" Michael snickered,"Can't ditch something you're an expert at.''

"Oooh, so like being a shitty father? Ahh, I got'cha."

Michael was swift on turning his attention to the angry Canadian in the back. The car still remained still on it's path. 

"Alright listen here, motherfucker-''

"Eyes on the road.'' You say nervously, hoping that would stop the bickering. It didn't.

"Did I hit a nerve? Sorry, my bad, buddy. I thought we were bringing up the faults in this joyride. Ain't no road long enough to expose yours.'' Trevor stared at Michael, snickering, knowing he was getting somewhere with pissing his friend off. 

"Alright, buddy, you wanna talk fuckin' faults? A man like you-"

"A man like me? You mean better than YOU.'' He interrupted.  Michael still wasn't looking to the road, crudely driving now. 

Your heart pounded in your chest,"Guys-"

 "You say that to boost whatever is left in you. Christ, sorry I'm not a drug lord, spitting on chicks to get a kick! A fuckin' wild animal with a superiority complex because mama didn't love me.'' Michael stabbed at Trevor, who was close to knocking him in the face.

Trevor hadn't replied for a moment, giving in a small nod, a sarcastic one, sure, but he glared the sharpest of daggers at him,"And your the one to talk. Leaving me alone? Faking your fucking death so you don't gotta deal with shit."

"I had a family to protect.''

"YEAH? WELL I GOT NOTHIN'! YOU THINK IT'S ALL FINE AND DANDY, WITH EVERYTHING UP YOUR ASS BUT NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT ME!" Trevor yelled. Desperation and anger beyond belief laced his voice, every word was something that was locked away, now free.

"I do.'' You say and the car goes silent. To your relief, Michael returns to correctly driving and you wondered how you survived this long. 

"It isn't what I owe you, or what I do, maybe I'll be dead tomorrow. But I care.'' You replied, more calmly than this whole experience was. You felt the tension in the air fade away,"I'm sorry, for running off like that.'' You finalized and the car gave in to a screeching halt, parked on the side of the road.

"Y/n, do not give that man an apology. It's worthless.'' Michael said and something had shriveled up in your chest as you remained confident. 

"He isn't. And if anything? You give him an apology.'' You replied, not looking at either of the men in the vehicle. You saw your home in the distance. Nearly torn down and looking like it was made from scrap metal and wood discarded by the city folk. 

Trevor sat in bewilderment, beside himself even on what the fuck just happened. He only stared in that familiar void, in the palm of his hands, he finally clenched them. There were no remarks.

"You're staying with me, from now on. I mean- if I want you to stay in a damned shit hole, at least it'll be mine." He said, gaining your attention. You looked over to see his expression. Soft. Almost pleading. His usual sharp and rugged exterior was blurred with kindness. Maybe not the one anyone could be accustomed to, but you felt it. 

So you complied to his wish. 

"So everything that I owe?'' You questioned.

"Yeah, fuck that. . . you've shown me enough."


Merry Christmas (well a day late for me omf) but I've finally updated. I didn't know lots of you had enjoyed this story thus far. It's been so much fun and I'm excited to continue on. See you in the next chapter!

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