XIV-Going After You

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Whether it be me running for my life from cops, my father or even Mikey. I'd never fail to look up just for a moment at the stars.

When I had first been told that I was mentally incapable or stable to fly, I looked up hoping to find that constant. But I didn't. I found clouds and I grew some sort of anger. Nothing had been going my way and the most simplistic thing just set me into a spiraling rage. I couldn't have been this way my whole life, right?

Sure, I had a fucking terrible childhood. I don't even remember acting like a kid. I always hid from my father who wanted to suffocate me with a pillow and my mother was out selling her body to whoever was desperate enough to fuck her, or even just felt bad that she couldn't afford a stick of gum. Either way, it's a blur.

And I'm not good at writing letters, shut up. No man just wants to make sure he's writing w̶r̶i̶t̶e̶ right.

All I wanted to do was just look up at the damned sky and hope for something better in this hopeless world. To see just a bit of light. Just enough to keep me grounded.

Then I saw temporary stars that pulled me in. My vices. The countless women, killings, loves. They were fake. Just pawns of my own mind that beat me black and blue. Yet I stuck to them because they were willing to stay with me. Fucked up, right? Yeah, well you changed that.

What you told me today had me thinking. It's almost a year in a few days and at a time like this, I don't know where I would be. No one just thinks 'Oh I hope a hot chick dents my jeep'. I just never thought you were looking to die that night, especially if you wanted me to do it. Back then if you told me, I probably would have. I just knew that next morning, something had to have changed in you. Don't think I'm stupid because I have had that same hollow and dull look in my eyes. When I made you angry, telling me you were afraid of becoming me. I understood. I saw a star somewhere there and for whatever reason, I couldn't let you go. In cheesy terms, you're that new starlight. If I had been more of a dumb ass, looking up, I would have missed the struggling angel that you are. I haven't cried like I did in years. I hate crying. I hate seeing you cry. It makes me so mad because I always think it's my fault. Back then, I wouldn't have given two shits if I did or not. But now all I do is worry. I don't need the chase, the running, the adrenaline. I have you who keeps me running after you. Chasing for that laugh. The adrenaline I feel when I know you're mine. When I can just hold you.

G̶o̶d̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶I̶'̶l̶l̶ ̶b̶u̶r̶y̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶n̶o̶w̶.̶ ̶

Y/n, I love you.

I love just you.

From, t.p♡


''Y/n, hey, cupcake I have somethin' for you!'' Trevor yelled, maneuvering himself through the wooden cabin. It was just cozy enough where he didn't have to duck but just watch his step from misshapen corners. He had a small smile on his face.

Then he saw the flash of headlights hit the window just right, followed by a loud crash and squeal. He shoved the paper in his pocket. The smile fell.

''No, no, no, the fuck!'' He growled and stomped to the door, swinging the entrance open to find a familiar car drive away. He instantly searched the cabin. Y/n was gone.

''Oh those cunts are going to have hell to pay! FUCKING HELL!'' He screamed before heading out into the snow and into the car where he sped after the blackened car. The roads were luckily in his favor, not being so slippery.

The grip on the wheel was as just strong as the tires to the sleet roads.

''You fuckers better know what's coming because you just crossed the line. ''

Trevor had stomped on the gas pedal, gritting his teeth. His nails had dug into the cushioning on the steering wheel. His gaze cold and determined, he let the car speed up by the black vehicle.

It was for a split second that Trevor could see a flailing and struggling body in the back. He felt the blood rush up to his head. That was his Y/n.

''YOU LET HER GO RIGHT NOW YOU COCKSUCKERS!'' He bellowed at the top of his lungs. He couldn't bash the car because that would risk Y/n getting hurt. Out of the blue, his phone rang to an unknown caller. He picked it up.

''The fuck do you want?''

''You follow us, she'll live. If not, I'll kill her and you.''

The line dropped. Trevor had seen from the corner of his eye, the man hanging up.

Trevor complied, now following the black car to wherever they were headed. Trevor felt a big mixture of anxiousness, anger, fury...it all made him nearly lose his mind even more. All he did was focus intently on the back of the car. Just any sign that she was okay, would carry him.

They had him on a fucking hook, like a fish. This was going against everything he practically believed in just a year or two ago. He wasn't planning to go all soft for a woman. He wasn't planning on spilling out his guts to said woman and move away from everything he had worked on and dreamed about. He wasn't going to just make a new future, new plans with Y/n. She wanted him to kill her.

So that's when he went soft.

Trevor suddenly remembered the night after he rescued her from shitty bikers. How her hollowed face had slept peacefully and her hair always a mess. How she just let him hold her midsection. Or just the warmth of her hand in his when waking up in the trailer.

Or how she just cared about him like no one ever really has.

''I'm coming for you baby. No one just takes something from Trev without consequence. I'm here...''

Trust and Love (Trevor Philips x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now