Hello readers. This is like, oh, maybe the back of a book that you would pick up at the store. Just the overview. I call it the bait. Makes you want to bite. Read on. Now, I will be uploading chapters (Once I figure out how. If you know how, PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE OR SOMETHING. Thanks!) I have no idea where this book is going. Usually I plan. This is the first time I am not. We'll see how it goes.
"Why?" I stare into the pale, blue grey eyes I know to be mine. I know what you're thinking. You're wondering why I am intently looking at a mirror hanging up on my bedroom wall, talking to my shiny reflection. Well, there are a lot of reasons. Of course, there is one primary reason......But I'm not going to tell you. That would ruin the excitment now, wouldn't it? Maybe I will tell you later on. Maybe I won't. But either way, you're going to find out. You are going to find out. Let it sink in. I know the suspense is killing you. I'll tell you a little bit, okay? Just a little. The rest will come to you. If you keep reading. If I keep writing. Trust me, I want to, but we'll see if I can. You'll see if I can.
I have a secret. Not a secret like, oh, I don't know, Omigosh-I-am-so-totally-in-love-with-Billy! And definetly not a secret like I pick my nose. Ew. No. More of a secret that would ruin my life if enough people found out. Do you know it yet? ... No. I am not a unicorn. Good guess. ... Nope, not a mermaid either. Why don't I start the story?