Chapter 12 - Awake

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"Out." His voice is crisp, splitting the quiet air before him.

Nobody moves. Nobody dares to even blink. I'm frozen in place behind him, barely tall enough to see into the room over his shoulder. But I see her— naked and vulnerable, standing between them in a pile of shattered glass. Her green eyes are wide in bewilderment and her mouth is popped open in shock. The cigarette she held to her lips now sizzles on the floor at her feet.

I shake my head, unable to move—paralyzed by a surge of terror and disbelief. This cannot be happening right now. I cover my face with my hands.

"Uh, excuse me?" Dan sits up slowly, his light brown eyes glowering with anger and his voice steadily rising with the building tension in the room. The glass shards crunch loudly under his boots as he moves across the carpet to stand protectively in front of her. He curls his fingers gently around her wrist and leans over to whisper in her ear—the blood vessels in his neck visibly pulsing with adrenaline. Her entire body is limp against his touch but her eyes are alive, piercing through the open space and undoubtedly meeting impossible blue eyes— blue eyes of the man who stands directly in front of me. The same man who I know is about to erupt.

I flinch before it even happens. I feel my body recoil in anticipation—my fists folding into my chest and my shoulders instinctively shrugging up to protect my ears.


I fully expect it, but it doesn't scare me any less. I duck out of the way just in time as his arm flies up behind him, shaking violently in the air as he points towards the door. I glimpse the side of his face and gasp at the intensity of his rage. His eyes are ignited with blue flames and his cheeks are flushed a murderous red.

"You know," Dan begins carefully. His fingers remain closed around her wrist as he wheels around to face us. "Real life isn't Hollywood, man. You can't just have anyone you want any way you want." His jaw is clenched as he fights to keep his voice low and calm, the unspeakable finally escaping his lips. "The movie is over."

I wince. Bad move.

Before I can even process my own movements, Bradley's shirt collar is fisted in my hands and I find myself yanking him backwards with all my strength as he lunges forward into the room.

"Bradley, stop." I struggle against him, digging my heels into the carpet and looping my arms around his elbows— holding on tightly as he thrashes in my grip.

She clears her throat— a tiny noise— and the whole room immediately falls silent. Bradley stops fighting— his arms dropping to his sides, and I slowly step back to let him go.

"Dan," she whispers, deep green eyes shifting to address the man beside her. Her voice is shaking, but her words flow with conviction. "I'll call you later."

He looks at her, stunned, his expression glazed over with hurt.

"Okay." He releases her, eyeing the soft wool blanket on the bed before walking over to whisk it off the covers. She smiles gratefully at him as he drapes the blanket over her bare shoulders— his eyes soft and sad with dejection. He knows this is a losing battle.

I feel my body tense as he approaches us to leave the room, my eyes darting towards Bradley. To my surprise, he stands calmly against the doorframe— familiar blue waves moving peacefully through his eyes. Before I can move to stop him, his hand shoots out in front of him to land on Dan's shoulder, squeezing lightly. I watch, amazed, as the two men silently acknowledge each other with respect for a brief moment before Dan leaves the room— his footsteps echoing down the hallway behind us.

Behind the Curtain (Sequel to "Letting Him Go")Where stories live. Discover now