Chapter 13 - Freed

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**READ THIS FIRST: It's really long. I'm sorry— but hopefully some good bonus content for you all! This chapter also relates directly back to "Letting Him Go," my first story, so I'm really sorry if you haven't read it/forgot and you're confused. Next chapter will be the last chapter! Thank you as always xx**

She steps up to the front door and knocks softly. My heart is hammering painfully in my ears as I stand a few feet back, leaning against the mailbox.

She is brave, or maybe she has no other choice— her bare legs sticking out from underneath an over-sized black t-shirt and her head held up high towards the closed door. I see her fists clench at her sides, her fingernails digging into her palms as if squeezing every last drop of courage out onto her hands. I can't even begin to imagine the thoughts that race through her mind.

The lock clicks open and I hold my breath— exhaling in relief as Gloria appears in the doorway.

"Hi sweetheart," she says, her face immediately melting into a warm smile at the sight of the woman standing before her— a woman she has grown to love as her own daughter. "You just missed him! He's out running some errands..." Her voice trails off as she senses the cloud of distress hanging in the air. I offer her a small wave from my spot behind the mailbox.

"Hi Bobby," she calls out, pushing the door open wider with her elbow and tugging Stefani into a light hug. She meets my gaze over Stefani's shoulder, her big blue eyes wide with questions. Later, I mouth as I step forward to greet her, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"Come on inside, you two, I'll pour you some coffee," she says breezily, disappearing into the house. We follow her through the front entrance and into the kitchen, where an explosion of toys and stuffed animals colorfully decorates the floor. I feel tiny arms wrap around my calves.


I look down into a pair of playful eyes— impossibly blue, just like her dad's. She grips the hem of my jeans with her fists and yanks hard, giggling mischievously.

"Hey you!" I bend down and sweep her up off the ground, tossing her into the air and catching her on my hip. She shrieks with delight, tapping my cheeks with her little hands. Her attention quickly shifts as she wriggles against my chest and reaches for the figure standing beside me.

"Tefi," she murmurs. I oblige, tilting her downwards to release her into Stefani's arms. The toddler is instantly calm, and I watch the giddy excitement escape her little body as she plants her palms on Stefani's chest— blue eyes meeting a soothing sea of green. She leans in to place a sloppy kiss on Stefani's nose.

"Hi Tefi," she giggles.

"Hi baby girl," Stefani whispers, her soft voice a sweeping tide of warmth and affection that prompts the child to throw her chubby arms around her neck for a hug. I glance at Gloria, who watches them with a smile from her seat at the counter.

"Bubby!" Lea's head snaps up from Stefani's chest as she turns to face me. Her fingers are absentmindedly tangled in the collar of Stefani's shirt.

"Lea!" I reach out to poke her tummy, mirroring her excitement.

"Hide seek?" She asks sweetly, cocking her head against Stefani's chin.

"Sure," I laugh, remembering our favorite game. We'd play for hours during recording sessions for the movie soundtrack when I offered to keep her company so that Irina and Gloria could get some rest.

"Tefi too?" She turns back to look at Stefani, her tiny lips puckered into an irresistible pout. Stefani presses her forehead against hers, their long lashes tangling together as she blinks.

Behind the Curtain (Sequel to "Letting Him Go")Where stories live. Discover now