Chapter 14 - Open

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**Wow. I can't believe I've finished my second story. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for loving Bobby and for sticking along with him on this journey— I know at times it wasn't easy. I can't wait to write more for you guys— you make it so incredibly rewarding. I couldn't have asked for better people to share my ideas with. Enjoy, xx**

"What about this one?" Her forehead is creased in concentration as she carefully raises the wand to his lips, resting her elbow on his shoulder for support. He sits, fully dressed in a tuxedo on a stool in front of her– big blue eyes patiently watching the determination that crosses her face as she leans in to brush his lips with a deep purple gloss.

"Stef, please stay still," Sarah sighs in exasperation. "Believe it or not, you actually have to get your own makeup done as well." The eyeliner pencil waves in the air between her fingers as she struggles to work on her squirming client.

"You heard her, Stef," he laughs and gently takes her wrists in his hands, his thumbs sweeping over her skin. She ignores him, reaching up with her pinky to wipe off a smear of purple below his mouth before pulling back abruptly to admire her finished work. Sarah groans as her hand jerks along with the sudden movement.

"You look so pretty," she tells him sweetly, green eyes glowing with pride. He blinks at her and smiles, his lips shimmering a ridiculous purple.

"Do I now?" He looks up at Sarah, cocking his head in question of her approval. Sarah gasps, quickly covering her mouth to contain her laughter.

"Lovely," she snickers, swatting Stefani's shoulder. "You better watch out– he may even be prettier than you if you don't hold still!"

"Impossible," he murmurs as he reaches across to grab a makeup wipe from the table beside her. He sweeps the tissue across his mouth, holding her gaze– the room suddenly quiet as blue eyes and green eyes collide. She lifts her hand to smooth back the golden locks above his ear and he gives her a sleepy smile– his eyes blinking lazily as her touch lulls him in contentment.

"All done," Sarah whispers and steps away cautiously, afraid to disturb the warm silence that wraps around them– enclosing them yet again in a world of their own.

Not for much longer.

"You guys?"

All heads snap up to acknowledge the shrill voice coming from just outside the dressing room as Brandon appears in the doorway, breathless. His signature thick-framed glasses are crooked on his nose and a half-spilled Starbucks latte shakes in his hand. "I was just on my way back from grabbing coffee and the first people are already on carpet! We have to get MOVING!" He scurries past me, vanishing behind the red curtains to retrieve her dress.

I look down at my watch. Thirty minutes ahead of predicted schedule. Shit. I whip around to face her– her green eyes speckled with traces of panic as she stares back at me in confusion. She hates being rushed. I sigh, moving towards her– today she has no choice.

"Alright– up you go," I tell her, gently tugging her out of the chair to guide her towards Brandon. Her feet shuffle against the floor and her loosely styled hair flows through the air behind her in platinum waves. I watch as Bradley's gaze follows her across the room, anxiety beginning to bubble in his eyes as well– coloring them a troubled dark blue. It's almost time. Time– there just never quite seems to be enough for them.

But she stops it.

She emerges from the curtains no more than two minutes later and I swear she stops time. My jaw drops before I can even blink, tears of awe immediately springing to my eyes. I'm her manager– I've seen this dress on her multiple times already and I even helped her pick it out. But tonight, I swear there's something different– she is absolutely, unpredictably radiant.

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