trip pt2

12 1 0

Peter pov
"Excuse me miss you forgot someone" the teacher said.
" peter make sure you have you badge out at all times" happy says whilst looking at me with a smirk. I just roll my eyes as an answer. Flash looks at me like I'm a piece of shit but I just ignore him. Happy however didn't see lucky. We go inside and have to go through metal detectors. "Psst happy I have my shooters on I can't go through without being caught" I whisper. "Okay your going to need to go through the one which has Friday in." Happy replies. I walk through and am greeted with "hello mini stark, the avengers have been alerted of your presence and Clint told me to tell you he has something planned. Boss is in the lab working on a suit and has been waiting for you to come home all day" Friday says really loudly. " ok thanks Fri" I say awkwardly. 
" how'd you hack the avengers penis Parker" flash shouts with a laugh. Although  happy heard it I told him not to do anything. As we walk in we're told all about the levels. We look around at all the equipment and costumes I see mine. Spider-Mans suit. With almost our whole class around it. "Hey penis if your really an intern have you met Spider-Man yet" flash asked. " yes I have flash and he told me to tell you that your a dick" I say.  I don't get caught apart from a small 'language'. Which my guess was Steve but only I heard. "Sorry" I replied. I got some weird looks for that but who cares.

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