im sorry papa

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a/n this is going to be angsty and im going to brutally kill one of the characters but also this is going to be a bucky and peter oneshot. peter is 15 and is spiderman.

"so i have a mission for all of you but it involves hydra," fury said as he gives everyone a piece of paper that tells them who their going to work with.

"who are you working with Pete?" Bucky asks.

"i'm working with Steve, Natasha annnddd you papa" the boy says happily.

"you have 4 hours to get ready then your going. oh yeah and peter you might not enjoy this much" nick fury

time skip 5 hours they are already there and getting into positions

peter, Natasha, Steve and Bucky all hide in their area and wait. one guard comes round the corner and Natasha stabs them in the chest. as three more come round peter runs off to go find the USB they came here for. as he runs down the corridor he hears whimpering from one of the cells. when he gets round the corner he sees a small child about the age of six in the corner on the cell. when peter looks closer he could see there was another guy in there with her. after a few seconds he could hear a conversation.

"please d..don't hurt" the young girl said.

"shut up and do as your told and it wont hurt as much" the guy said.

"p.....please i'll do anything "she whispers.

"shut up and get on the bed" the man said. this time the girl obliged. as she laid  on the bed the man took out a blade and made small cuts on her wrists. the girl started whimpering again.


peter runs off again promising himself when this is over with he was going back for that girl. he finally finds the center, only to see there were three guards. one walks right towards peter and ends up seeing him.

 "what are you doing just wandering around her little boy?" he says.

that alerts the other two guards and they all charge towards peter. hes able to hold them off for a minuet but three against one is not a fair fight. and one of them stab peter right in the chest.

"papa. aunt nat." peter manages to get out spluttering blood everywhere in the processes.

"PETER! Oh god please. keep your eyes open pete. please baby. NAT! Come on pete. NAT COME HERE PLEASE! breathe. follow my breaths, pete. In. Out. In. Out. There you go your doing it," bucky says crying,"nat please i..i don't know what to do. my baby boy is dying."

" listen to me. 243. there's a girl who looks a lot like my good friend who was kidnapped. If i don't make it...," he coughs," go find Lydia. her parents hated her. look after her please." he coughs blood again.

"l...look i can't loose you. i lost your mom and your sister. i can't loose you too. please baby try hang on." bucky says.

"hey baby spider. we're gonna get you to bruce to fix you up but until then i need you to hang on. okay, papa's really upset at the moment to i'm gonna talk to you for a bit okay," natasha says on the verge of tears.

time skip

peters pov

"come on pete you gotta wake up soon. i never got to tell you how much i liked you in school. i wanna be able to do so to a conscious peter parker. Or should i say peter barnes." lydia says as she grabs a hold of my hand.

"Lydia your mom wants you home. i'm sorry and i'll update you if anything happens with peter. i'll see you later." someone familiar says.

i hear a faint bye in the background. then it goes quiet. i mean besides the constant beeping in the background.

pt 2 will be up soon

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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