Spider kid

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Natasha pov
How to hide a kid.
Help anyone. I didn't even think I was capable to carry a child. I was wrong. Fuck fuck fuck. He's fifteen now. "Peter can you come downstairs please." I say without shouting or screaming as my son also happens to be spider man so he has heightened senses. "Hey mama spider" he says. "Hey Pебенок паук. Do you want to meet the avengers today?" I say. I'm gonna tell them today. "Yeah. Wait really. But I thought you were no longer one." He says. I laugh. "Just because I'm not one anymore doesn't mean I no longer know them. " I say. He starts jumping up and down. "Alright let's get a move on" I say. He nods. We make our way down and half way there peter stops and looks at me. "You haven't told them about me have you?" He asks. He saw the look in my eyes. I shake my head guilty. He looks at me with sympathy which I wasn't expecting. He nods and keeps walking. We finally get there and I knock on the door. Steve answers with his head turned. "Guys someone's at the doo..." he turns his head,"hey Nat, who's this?" He says looking at Pete. "Hey Steve urmm can you get the gang together please then I'll explain" I ask. Peter gives me a look as if to say sorry. I shake my head at him and walk to the living room. "Hey guys.."I say with a little wave. "Heyy tash" everyone but tony say.
"Why have you bought a random kid into our home. Who is he. Is he a fan. Seriously Natasha." Tony says raising his voice. Peter starts shaking. He doesn't like loud noise. He goes to hide behind my back. "Can you not raise your voice tony. He has sensory overloads and bad anxiety."I say giving him a look. He just looks at me as if to say sorry. I turn around to a shaking peter. "Hey Pete. Look at me. Nothing is going to get you. Not here. Not anywhere. Okay just look at me" I say quietly. "O-okay m-mama spider" he's said as he stops shaking. Clints the first to stand. "Did he just call you mama spider?" He asked with happiness in his voice? I did not expect that,"hey kid what's your name?" Wow he's happier than expected. "P-p-Peter" Pete says. "Well then peter did you wanna go play video games and let the adults talk" Clint said. Pete looks at me and I nod. He nods at Clint. "Hey Clint," I say he nods ", did you just admit to be a kid." He looks at me with that stupid grin and runs off with Peter. "Well then who is he?" Tony says. "You heard him did you not. He's my fucking son. You better shut your mouth if you want me to explain. Now he's my biological son and if you want to know whose the dad then I need him in here so I'll do it at dinner okay so let's go train." I say pissed off by tony. As I walk down to the training room "Why," steve said. "Why what," I say. "Why hide him from us I mean you see us all the time. Wait is he the reason you had 4 years of time off" he asked quite quickly. "Yes he's the reason I took the time off and I didn't think any of you would care but peter. He loves the avengers I'm surprised he didn't talk to any of you apart from Clint." I say. As we get to the training room we split up to do our own things. We train for a few hours. Before we knew it it was 6:00pm and time for dinner. We walk to the living room and order food. I go to get Clint and Pete but as I walk in they are both sleeping on the floor. I take a quick picture to use as blackmail and wake them up. I viciously shook Clint awake shouting at him to wake up. He awakes. As I go to wake up Pete,Clint stops me and gestures to Peter. "He called me dad. Just before he fell asleep he said wake me before dinner dad." He looks at me and smiled. Me and Clint had been dating in secret for a while now. "Aww how sweet." I say guilty. I now have to wake peter. "Hey Pete. Baby wake up it's time for dinner." I say shaking him slightly. We all sat down for dinner and then it was time for me to tell everyone the father. "Peters father is..........."

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